Page 148 of Gift from the Stone

“There’s no reason for us to stay the night. We can transport back after this,” Caspian says snippily.

“She’s going to be fine. Tillman and Draken will take care of her, and we’ll be back before she even wakes up,” I reason.

I’d rather be home with her too, but we haven’t seen our parents in months, and one night won’t kill us.

“I didn’t ask for your reasoning, Core. We can go home tonight. There’s zero fucking point in staying the night.” He snarls.

“Don’t give me that shit, Caspian. I know she’s got you hot and bothered, but you’re going to have to suck it up for the day and night. I can assure you, though, her kisses are always going to make you feel like this, so you might as well get used to it,” I say sarcastically, wearing a condescending smile.

For once, it’s him losing his mind rather than me, and I know it’s beneath me to pick at him, but honestly, I’m eating this shit up. He’d do it in a heartbeat if the roles were reversed. I know it’s a huge milestone for him, allowing her to touch him—kiss him—and I’d never pick if I thought he was uncomfortable, truly uncomfortable. But he’s not.

Right now, my princess is consuming his thoughts. Driving him mad, in a good way, and I love it.

“You fucking—”

“My boys, you’re here. Where are my other two?” my mom squeals, wrapping her arms around me and Caspian the moment she hauls ass around the corner.

“They’re still at Rebel Castle. This, unfortunately, isn’t a pleasant visit,” I inform her as I return her hug.

“Nonsense. Any visit is pleasant despite what you have to tell me. And, Gaster, look at you, you’re aging backwards.” She beams, hugging him as well.

“You flatter me, girl. These boys have kept me busy and on my toes,” he says, eyeing me over her head.

“Well, when are the other two arriving? How long are you staying?” she asks.

I can’t help but feel like an ass when she smiles so brightly at me and Caspian like this. Life has been fucking chaotic. We haven’t had any time to just come for a social visit.

“They aren’t coming. We’re leaving tonight,” Caspian says firmly, earning him an elbow to the gut. From me.

“We have to get back sooner rather than later, but this couldn’t wait, nor was I willing to call you with this information,” I say, trying to soothe the brutal tone Caspian just used.

“Well, fine. Business first then. Your fathers are in the throne room anyway.”

Linking her arms between mine and Caspian’s, Mom steers us the entire way, asking question after question, trying to keep the tone light. No doubt she has an idea that our moods are reflecting the seriousness of the news we’re about to share with her.

“Boys, what a surprise! Your mom damn near knocked the table over when she sensed you walking through the wards,” Roye says as all four of them stand and make their way to us.

“We would’ve given you a heads-up, but this is important,” I tell him.

Unlike my mom, my dads grow serious. Of course they missed us as well, but they can always tell when other matters have to come first.

“It’s been a while since we’ve had a detailed brief of the progress you’ve made with the rebels. Other than the mess your brother made for your dad in Pippa, and that you apprehended some rebels in Terravile, you’ve all been radio silent,” my mom says as we sit around the table.

“That’s because there’s been more developments in the last month than in the past twenty years. A lot is happening in the realm.”

Gaster’s magic flows over all of us. The sound of the wind outside silences, and the light from the windows blurs as he casts us into a silencing block. I don’t bother wasting any more time with chitchat. We can do that after this.

Starting from what happened with Jarod, to everything, mostly everything, in Terravile, then Layton, I fill them in as much as I can. I try my best to keep Willow a secret, referring to her as “someone with the sight.” This isn’t how I want to tell them about her, nor do I want her existence announced to the realm.

“Two of the five families. Are you fucking serious? They’re here in the palace monthly!” Roye shouts as I get to the last and latest update.

“That’s what was stored in the boy’s mind. Tillman’s been concerned there was a traitor amongst us, but we never would’ve assumed it was the top families. We just found this out. Minutes before we came,” I inform them.

“Any idea of which families it could be?” my mom asks.

“No, Tillman didn’t recognize the voice. This is a situation where staying out of their radar hasn’t helped. We know everything there is to know about these families, or so we thought, but have barely interacted with them physically,” I say, clipped.

It was always important to my mom that we stay out of the eyes of the elite, especially the top five. Her belief in that grew next level after Caspian was kidnapped. But she pushed us to be as informed as possible. Learn everything and anything we could about them, be polite, formal when we had no choice but to be around them, but she always insisted we don’t mingle unless we have to.