“I don’t know why I took my dress off. It just felt like the right thing to do with how excited I was,” I murmur honestly, causing the other three, who are stalking closer, to chuckle.
“Make sure you don’t get too excited in front of others, Primary. I’d hate to have to kill someone for looking at what’s ours.” Caspian’s dark tone doesn’t match his ravenous smirk. I can’t tell if it’s the prospect of killing someone or me half-dressed that’s causing that look honestly.
“I won’t…” I whisper, trapped in his gaze.
“Who’s riding me?” I ask, breaking the rising tension, but quickly correct myself when they all groan, and I realize what I just asked. “I mean, when I shift.”
Is that really what I mean, though?
They all get unnaturally quiet, looking amongst themselves and between me and Draken. Some of my excitement flees when I think they’re about to bail and not fly with us, and I reach my gift out to see if any of them have their block down.
I gasp, placing a hand to my chest in offense when I pick up Tillman’s train of thought. “Oh my God, you’re all scared to ride on me. What the hell?”
“We’re not scared, Will. We just think that we should probably go with Draken, who has more experience flying us.” Tillman tries to reason, but I just pout.
“What do you all think, I’m just going to drop you?” I question. Their silence is answer enough.
“Fine. But after I fly around for a while, I’m getting on Draken with you three. The whole point of this was to spend time together.” I cave, crossing my arms, purposely pushing my breast up. I turn my back and let a satisfied smile cross my face as they all moan and groan.
Serves them right.
“You ready, little wanderer?” Draken asks as the two of us walk farther into the lawn to shift away from the others.
“Hell yes,” I cheer, my smile matching the brilliant one he’s gracing me with.
We both tilt our heads back, calling forth our magic, and I let the feeling take over me as the bright light conceals my shift. There’s always a small sting of pain, but it happens so fast, it doesn’t truly register as elation from my dragon floods my senses.
As my claws dig into the soft, cold dirt beneath the surface of the ground, I throw my large head back, roaring to the clear skies. When Draken joins me, the trees shake. The sound of rustling leaves and wildlife running through the foliage, trying to flee the echoes of our roars, pierces my enhanced hearing.
The beauty of Elementra is evident to me in my human form, but in my dragon, there’s simply no comparison. Everything’s brighter, livelier, louder, more potent. The fabric of everything is magnified, and it’s impossible not to stand in awe.
Since the guys weren’t flying on me, I shifted into a smaller version, about twelve feet tall, while Draken chose to go with a larger of his forms, probably three times my size. Standing in all his glory, he waits as the guys make their way onto his back. As they each climb up, his sleek auburn scales shine, casting the illusion that they’re walking over smoldering, charred embers to reach his back.
The looks reflected on the guys’ faces as they get themselves situated cause me to chuckle. The sound is like a mix between a roar and purr, and it grabs all of their attention. Instead of brilliant smiles and overwhelming excitement, they look like they’re preparing to ride Draken into battle, conquer their enemies, and burn the world down.
So serious.
Flapping my wings, I shoot off into the sky, knowing Draken’s going to be right behind me, whether or not the guys are ready.
Letting the air carry me, I bask in the feeling of the sun beaming down on my back, causing my silver scales to reflect rainbows off my wings. I soar through the clouds, embracing the power, the freedom, the peace I feel as I dive in and out of the fluffy pillows in the sky. My heart thrums even stronger when I hear the sound of wings beating against the current of the air behind me.
Normally, I’d take off and force Draken to catch me, but this time, I slow myself down, waiting for him to glide beside me. My bond swells in my rather large chest as the guys look at me like something spectacular. The pride and amazement reflected toward me has me purring in approval as my dragon preens under their observation, pushing me to show off for them.
I chirp a small roar, warning Draken that I’m getting ready to take off, and he responds with a more enthusiastic one, encouraging me on. I let my wings carry me forward on the air rather than flap them beside the guys, not wanting to send one of them accidentally tumbling off, but once I’m ahead of him, I take off.
Racing through the sky, my body shines like a sword. My sharp, precise turns slice through the air as I flip and twist around Draken and the guys. Adding in a few barrel rolls and corkscrew twists, I level myself out and fly right over them, low enough Tillman could probably stand up and run his hand over my belly.
“Fly ahead a little bit then shift back, little wanderer. I’ll catch you.”
The deepened tone of Draken’s voice floats through my mind, both a demand and a challenge and my chest pumps with anticipation. That sounds both crazy and exhilarating. Cocking my head down, he peers up at me. His lip is slightly peeled up in what I’d call a dragon’s smirk, and the look screams “I dare you.” It’s impossible for me to resist.
Fuck me, the guys are about to flip their shit.
Gliding ahead of him, I keep my body above his and mentally check in with my dragon. If she’s not on board with this, she’ll fight me for control, and I won’t be able to shift.