Page 131 of Gift from the Stone

“I didn’t want to wake her up.”

I grin because I wouldn’t have bothered either. She’s blissed out, exhausted from pleasure, clothes are redundant right now. Plus, I wish she’d be naked all the time. Well, at home where no one but us could see.

“What did you learn today?” Corentin asks, stealing my attention.

I jump right into giving him a debrief. We’d still need to catch up with Rhett, Lucas, and Ry to see what they found out, but what I learned from Layton is by far the most important and promising start.

“We need to see how soon Lyker can get here. See if Aria can break through his block, maybe take it down permanently or at least make sure the Summum-Master doesn’t have some sort of control over him. We’ll assign a detail team to him and get him working with Vince to try to learn to control his gift and we can figure out a solution for finding his parents,” Corentin states immediately, jumping right into working shit out for the kid.

“Me and the Primary can go scout the area, see if we can find them,” Caspian declares.

“What?” me and Draken ask as Corentin says, “No.”

“Why not? She’ll be perfectly safe with me.” Caspian sneers, taking offense to Corentin shutting him down instantly.

“I just said we’d work out not separating all of us and you’re trying to swoop her off to somewhere that could be dangerous, just the two of you. What if the Mastery has now taken over that area?” Corentin snaps back.

“Fine, then plan it to where we all can go.” Caspian relents, shockingly easily.

“We’ll give her a few more minutes to sleep then head to the gym and debrief with the others, then head home. We all could use an afternoon to relax together,” I declare.

Another groan falls from Willow’s sweet lips as she tosses and turns on the couch, again exposing us to our deepest fucking desire. This time, though, no one moves to cover her up because we’re all too busy staring at her.

Fuck, we got to get some clothes on her.



Damn, it’s kinda cold.

I reach my hands around, searching for my cover, but all I feel is my chilled skin. My very naked, chilled skin.

My eyes fly open as the grogginess fades from my mind, and I remember why I’m asleep in the first place. Damn, they wrung me dry with pleasure and then put my ass to sleep.

Low murmuring voices reach my ears and I turn my head to see the four of them huddled together a few feet away. I can’t help but stare. There’s nothing different about them right now. They’re each dressed in their own tailored perfection, muscles concealed but also displayed in their tight-fitting attires. Still, some days when I look at them like this, when they don’t know I’m openly staring, it’s like looking at them for the first time all over again. They’re gorgeous men.

The thought reminds me of why I barged in here today to begin with. That perfection and power of theirs attracts women like moths to a flame, and I can’t shove down the possessiveness that rises in me all over again.

My men. Mine.

Draken and Tillman turn on their heels to look at me when I send a pulse of what I’m feeling down the bond, causing a smug, satisfied smirk to cross my face. Although Corentin and Caspian don’t feel it as strongly, they got a piece of it and their smirks match my own.

“Woke up feeling protective, sweetness,” Draken purrs as he kneels down on the floor in front of me.

“Possessive. I woke up admiring what’s mine.”

His responding groan is followed by his lips catching mine, and I’m all too aware of how naked I am, sprawled out on the couch as the others stand a few feet back and watch.

This couch is dangerous.

“Why am I still naked?” I ask breathlessly when he pulls back.

“Corentin didn’t want to wake you up to dress you,” Tillman answers, kneeling beside Draken, laying his hand on my hip.

His element caresses my body, dressing me in something of his choosing, and I give him a thankful smile, then pull him by his shirt until he kisses me too. Damn, I missed them so much.

“How are you feeling, Primary?” Caspian asks.