“Is that because it feels really good?” Willow cuts me off to ask, causing all of us to narrow our eyes on her. “I’m just asking. Some of the romance books I read back in the nonmagical realm describe it as feeling good… Sorry.” She apologizes sheepishly.
“Yes. Supposedly, it’s a very euphoric feeling that tends to lead to other things. Or it can be incredibly painful. It depends on which way the vampire intends for it to go. There were years when they ran rampant through Elementra, feeding from whoever they pleased rather than following the new law of finding a willing source or using the blood donations at the healing wings.
“It’s apparently more potent, more sustaining coming directly from the source, and they were unhappy with the compromises and continued to feed from whoever they pleased, willing or not. So the rogue vampires were caught and forced into the Forsaken Forest, where there are strong wards, even stronger than the academy’s placed around the perimeter to keep them in.” Instead of interrupting me again, Willow slowly raises her hand, causing us all to chuckle at her.
“Again, from what I’ve read… Don’t they go crazy without blood?” she asks.
“Sounds like some vampires got trapped in the nonmagical realm for all these books to be written about them,” Caspian comments, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Well, I’ve actually heard of all the beings from the other realms through the books I’ve read. I’ve obviously never met any of them, especially not a vampire, but yeah, it’s said that there are hot spots all over the nonmagical realm with them, and they have the ability to change a human into one with their bite,” she informs us.
That’s fucking insane to imagine a bunch of bloodthirsty new vampires running around wild in a nonmagical place. Thank Elementra they didn’t have the power to turn everyone they bit here, or we possibly wouldn’t be sitting here right now.
“For years, even still to this day, every day, donations of blood are taken and deposited in the forest, because yes, we soon learned what happens to a vampire if they’re cut off from blood. They do go crazy, vicious. Many people, unlucky or dumb, I’m not sure which they are, have ended up in the Forsaken Forest and are brutally torn apart within seconds of entering,” I gravelly tell her.
“So sadly, that probably means the Summum-Master is allowing them to feed on the people they’ve kidnapped,” she whispers, horrified.
“Yes, princess, I believe so,” I tell her softly, reaching my finger out to wipe the stray tear that escaped her.
The forest is full of unhinged vampires. Even with their appetite possibly being curbed by what that fucker is bringing them, after centuries of madness, you don’t just come back to normal. They’ll never be of sane mind again. It’s a death sentence, usually, to any who enter.
I don’t know how the hell we’re going to get through there.
“Wakey, wakey, time to get nakey,” Draken singsongs in my ear, causing me to groan sleepily.
“Draken, that is not the way to wake me up if you want me naked,” I grumble, shoving my face into the pillow.
“I was referring to you having to get in the shower if you want one before we go, but if that’s what you’re offering, sweetness, we can be late,” he growls, flipping me over and covering me with his body.
“No, get the fuck off her. We have to get ready to go,” Tillman orders and the weight of Draken’s body lifts from me as he’s shoved to the side, and I’m quickly lifted out of the bed.
I bury my face in Tillman’s chest as he carries me into my bathroom. I’d really love to go back to sleep…after Draken gives me what he was just offering. I’m fucking tired. Mentally, physically, emotionally. These past few days have been a lot, full of ups and downs, and I just need a click to relax, regroup, then I’ll be ready to enter the good fight again.
I haven’t bothered to open my eyes yet, but the bright light shining into my bathroom pierces through my lids anyway as the smell of eucalyptus calms my pissy morning mood. It also helps that I’m snuggled up in my gorgeous giant’s arms.
“Don’t start referring to me as a giant, Will.” Tillman snorts as he disintegrates my clothes and slowly lowers me into my tub. He’s lucky he can just remake my wardrobe on command, or I’d be shitten with all the items he’s destroying.
“It’s been started. I referred to you in my mind as the gorgeous green-eyed giant my first night here.”
“We’re leaving in twenty. There’re clothes on the sink and when you get out, Corentin will have your coffee ready,” he tells me sweetly as he lays a gentle kiss on my lips, completely ignoring my foul mood, and leaves the bathroom.
I both feel and hear the guys from the various spots they are around the house. Well, I can hear Draken. He hasn’t bothered to put his block up like the rest of them, and that’s probably partially why I’m ill this morning. He’s been thinking nonstop about what he wants to do, plans to do, and fantasizes about doing to me. I’ve heard it all, and it’s had my body throbbing with need since yesterday. I guess I can’t blame him completely. I could’ve blocked him out, but I enjoyed hearing his plans and the praise.
It’s been an amazing distraction.
I slide my own block up, knowing Tillman could possibly come back in here worried if he realizes it, but I just need a minute to let my mind wander. I’ve been hyper-focused on thinking about anything and everything other than almost dying just a short few days ago. Tillman’s and my bonding helped tremendously with my emotions, but I’m struggling, and I don’t want to tell them.
They have so much on their plates right now that I don’t want to break down. I want to be strong, act like it never happened, and soldier through all the shit we’ve got to do, but it’s hard.
Giving myself just a moment to stew, I suck it all back up and pull myself together, washing quickly and putting coffee to the forefront of my mind to get myself out of this tub.
The beautiful, soft, jade-colored dress Tillman left for me on the counter is a long, short-sleeved maxi with a fitted waist and V-cut neckline that shows just enough to tease them, and I smile at myself in the mirror, knowing I’m about to get some yummy looks thrown my way. And my dragon purrs in my chest the moment I step out of the bathroom and Draken’s eyes eat me up.
“He’s such a cockblock. Then goes and dresses you up in his favorite color. Selfish asshole.” Draken purrs in return, prowling toward me like the predator he is.