The shifter would need to grow their dominance to max capacity, build upon it until they can build no more, while simultaneously calling forth their magic to weave around and bolster it.
Once the shifter is ready, they will speak their command. There is no formal written spell since this is a spell of convenience. If the shifter is powerful enough to execute the spell, it will activate. If not, they will only affect those within their own limitation. There is no evidence to measure how far their reach may carry since this has never been documented.
“Here, happy? When will I be able to read the words rather than just take a peek?” I ask my stranger, smirking as I hand them the book back.
“Thank you. And soon, filia mea, soon.”
“Whatever you say, CC.”
My stranger’s name bounces around my mind as I hold my eyes shut a minute longer, basking in their love and affection for me. It’s a love I feel from both Gaster and Oakly, so whoever they are, they have to be family. And although we already assumed it, the memory just confirms they’re the one who also sent me my birthday gift.
Oh, CC. I can’t wait to meet you again. I don’t know if I want to punch you or hug you more.
“Princess,” Corentin says, pinching my chin, causing my eyes to fly open to meet his.
“I’m fine. I have a way to control the Mastery shifters without another fight today,” I tell that calculating gaze that watches me closely, and after a minute, he gives me a confident nod. I give everyone a breakdown of the memory, and we spend the next hour building a plan from there.
We’re going to get to the community center as a group. The palace team, Rhett, and his guys will spread out, circling the center. Lyker’s going to make his announcement to the pack, exposing the Mastery, and while he does that, I’ll be preparing the spell. If my spell doesn’t activate, we’re going to hope and pray between all the shifters we have with us, our dominance can control the majority of the shifters while everyone else handles the rest. Hopefully, with Rylan and his Nexus standing with us, the rest of those who are uninvolved will stand with us as well.
“Are you ready?” I ask Lyker as I come to stand beside him.
“Me? Yeah, are you?” he answers unconvincingly.
“I’m nervous as shit,” I answer honestly, unlike him.
“Fuck, don’t say that you’re gonna make me feel worse,” he says as he blows his breath out and runs his fingers through his hair.
I laugh at his bullshit as the rest of the group joins us at the gate of the arena. The Elders have been moved, all of the Palace team are back, and everyone’s healed up, ready to go. My smile lingers as my men all converge on me, boxing me in between them protectively.
“Stay close, Primary,” Caspian warns.
“Yes, sir.” I smirk, earning myself a very heated look.
“Everyone, transport in front of the Alpha house. Let’s move,” Tillman orders as he wraps his arm around my waist.
I hold my breath as we step out of the transport in the community center in less than two seconds. The streets are full of people, long tables of food, beverages, there’s music playing, and people are dancing.
It’s a beautiful celebration and I hate the fact we’re about to disturb it. I know this pack is full of people just like Rylan, Cara, and their Nexus. Good people, and they deserve better than what’s being hidden from them.
“Can I have your attention, please?” Lyker’s voice rings loud over the center and everyone stops what they’re doing and turns to him. There’s a beat of silence before cheers go up. Everyone, well, a large number of people begin chanting, “Alpha, Alpha, Alpha…”
It takes Lyker by surprise as his eyes widen in shock for a moment before he lifts his hands to quiet them down. I take that as my cue to start my spell. Turning in the arms of my Nexus, I face the crowd and begin building up my dominance.
“I want to thank all of you for your support and for welcoming me and my Nexus brothers in with open arms. I’m saddened to have to announce some unfortunate news on such a memorable moment…” Lyker trails off, nodding over his shoulder to motion Rylan forward with Elder Herva.
Loud gasps ring out as Rylan approaches with a shackled Herva. There are rare Palace-issued magical cuffs around both his wrist and ankles. The magical contraptions are extremely scarce and are only used when someone has committed the highest offense and needs to be secured longer than the standard elemental detention would last. His appearance sends a powerful message to the pack.
The sound of my small rumble is drowned out by the whispers and murmurs floating around the center. I continue balling my dominance up in a slower, more controlled build compared to what I did earlier today when I was panicking to get to Tillman. Now, I take my time, gathering everything I got in the center of my chest.
“As you can see, all the Elders are missing other than Elder Herva. After the trials, when you all left the arena, my Nexus, my esteemed guests, and supporters were brutally attacked by the rogue, savage group that has been sweeping through Elementra. That same savage group lives amongst you now. They’re woven within this pack so deeply, the past two Alphas and all nine of your Elders are members of this society,” Lyker announces as he partially shifts his claw and slices down Herva’s shirt, exposing the M that Draken forced him to reveal.
Whimpers, gasps, and cries of outrage ring out at once, but underlying those noises of distress are aggressive growls that reach my ears. I push my dominance faster, harder, knowing that they’re preparing to attack in retribution for Lyker’s exposure of their society.
So much for a controlled, slow build.
“This M represents the mark of the society. It’s the mark of the Mastery, and they will no longer be tolerated in this pack. We won’t continue to be controlled by a sick and twisted rebel group who is killing innocent people and destroying our realm. This is your one and only chance. If you’re involved in or know about their involvement in this pack, come forward, and your consequence may not be death,” Lyker yells, standing strong.