I smile behind my hand at her vagueness and Oakly releases a small cough to cover her laugh. It looks like she’s going to drag out the news until the guys either figure it out on their own or an awakening happens. Fuck, I can’t wait to see it.
“Is the plan to bring the Elders here, or did you decide something else?” I ask Lyker, grabbing his attention off Aria. We’ve got shit to do.
“That’s the plan. I’ll get the palace team and Rhett’s guys to go collect them and bring them here, maybe Rylan and his Nexus as well. He’s a good guy and we got along the whole time in preparation for the trials. It won’t hurt to have extra hands. Then we’ll go from there. You’re willing to help us?” he asks Aria.
“Absolutely,” she declares.
“And you guys?” He turns to my Nexus next.
“We’re here for you. We’ll do whatever you need,” Tillman says.
I can tell both he and Corentin are struggling not to take over the situation, but they’re trying to let Lyker make choices on his own, learn how to lead without orders. It’s going to be a learning curve for him, for sure, but like Tillman just told him, we’ll be here.
Well, my guys can help him lead far more than me. I’m just grouped in as one with them. I feel Lyker’s struggle right now. I felt the same way when Corentin dropped the bomb on me about who they truly are and what that means for me. The thought of leading and ruling anyone is petrifying. Thank Elementra I got, hopefully, a couple hundred years until I have to step up.
In minutes, the three Nexuses work out the plan to bring the Elders here, find out everything we can, then address the entire pack, depending on how much we find out. Rhett’s already gone to find Rylan and his Nexus and ask them to join us, so as soon as they return, then they’ll go get the Elders.
I know none of the group that came with us today expected us to have to handle the Mastery in the pack so quickly, but we don’t really have a choice now. There’s no way to tell who all knew or didn’t know they planned an attack against Lyker, so now we can’t really leave until they’re taken care of. After they’re sifted out and taken to the holding cells, then it’ll be up to Lyker and his Nexus to decide how to move forward with this pack.
“Alpha, what’s going on?” an unfamiliar voice asks.
Turning around, my guys all close in around me, but I recognize Rylan and his Primary who’s clinging to his arm. Her screams will probably be branded in my mind for eternity.
“Rylan, sorry to interrupt the celebrations, but I need to talk to you about some things and hopefully get your help,” Lyker tells him as he approaches our large group.
“What’s this about?” he asks, glancing at us tensely.
“There’s nothing in his mind about the Mastery. He’s nervous with all of us surrounding like this,” Tillman announces.
“The Mastery?” Rylan asks, confused.
Lyker jumps into an explanation of what’s been going on right under half the pack’s nose and who the men were that they faced off in the trials. Rylan’s whole Nexus stands in fury, soaking in the information with a mixture of rage, betrayal, and confusion. None of them have any knowledge of the Mastery, according to Tillman, and they all were willing to reveal their chests, so for now, we have at least five more allies.
“I saw you during the trials. You stood up when my Rylan was in trouble, like you were planning on interfering,” a soft, feminine voice says from a few feet away from where me, Oakly, and Aria stepped away from the guys.
“That’s because she was. Her Nexus had to hold her back.” Oakly snorts.
“What Kael did was bullshit. I’m sorry you and your Nexus had to experience that. I’m Willow. This is Oakly and Aria,” I introduce us.
“I’m Cara. Thank you for standing up. Everyone else was prepared to just let him die. Ever since Jarod became Alpha, everyone here is scared to death to speak up for what’s right and wrong. It’s been hell. Now it all makes sense. The only reason I agreed to letting Rylan enter the running was because we were afraid we’d end up with an Alpha just as bad, if not worse,” Cara says as tears gather in her eyes.
I hate to see the emotion clinging to her over what happened, but I understand. My gut is still in knots over Tillman, and mine was only a vision; it didn’t happen.
“Well, you won’t have to worry about that anymore. Lyker’s nothing like that.” Aria swears and I shoot her a smirk, one she doesn’t return.
“Little wanderer, Oakly, Aria, and, um…other female, come here. They’re going to be here any second,” Draken calls out, causing us to laugh.
No sooner we approach the guys than Rhett transports back into the center, all nine Elders situated between him, his guys, and the palace team. Just like earlier this morning, they look at all of us with such disdain, it pisses me all the way off.
“What is the meaning of this?” asks Elder Rio. The same old bastard from this morning has his face scrunched up like he can’t believe someone would dare summon him.
“Me and my Nexus were attacked seconds after the arena cleared by the members of this pack who are in allegiance with the Mastery. That will no longer be tolerated. So now is your chance to be honest of your own involvement or suffer the consequences alongside the other traitors,” Lyker growls.
“Shit,” Aria murmurs quietly.
“What is it?” I hear Zane ask her from where they have her hidden behind them. None of them notice it yet, but they’re already drawing closer to her.
“They all have runes on them,” she whispers.