“Don’t look at me this time, sweetness. I know what that skin looks like flushed. I’ll quite enjoy watching.”
I’m on the verge of whimpering as they all close in on me completely. Their mouthwatering scents and heated looks light my skin on fire, pushing aside my panic and igniting my need. Fuck, I want the punishment they’re promising. I know for a fact it’ll come paired with pleasure beyond my wildest dreams.
Two feminine giggles cut through my thickening lust-filled haze, and my eyes cut to where Oakly and Aria are standing a few feet away, laughing at my flustered state. Clearing my throat, I push out of the sexually charged circle the guys have me in and make my way to join them.
“Not funny,” I grunt to Oakly.
“I can’t help that you and those men of yours always choose the most inappropriate times to do shit like that,” she picks.
“Where are the others?” I ask, not acknowledging her calling me out. It’s the truth after all.
“Trying to help Lyker figure out how to put the pack on lockdown.” She nods to where the guys are all standing around in a circle.
“You know how to do that, right?” I turn and ask Corentin.
“Yeah, princess. We’ll go help,” he says, shooting me a wink before they all walk over to join the rest.
Blowing out a breath, I look back at both of the girls giving me amused grins. “Don’t give me no shit, you’re just as bad. And you’ll be soon enough.”
“Wait, what?” Oakly asks, her surprised gaze bouncing between me and Aria.
“Not with the way that alphahole acts,” Aria says, rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, okay. We both have Nexuses full of alphaholes. The attitudes go from pissing you off to turning you on. It’s incredibly frustrating.” I laugh before lowering my voice to a whisper. “We’re going to have to tell them about your gift in a minute when they plan out how we’re going to approach the rest of the pack about the lockdown. When are you going to tell them the truth?”
“When I decide if I like them or not. Or when an awakening happens, I guess. We’ll just play that by ear, so let’s just keep that between us girls,” Aria says with a teasing smirk, one me and Oakly return.
We cut our giggling as power ripples through the air. Turning to the guys, they’re all surrounding Lyker, giving him a pat on the back and smiles of support. He may have been fearful about coming here, not believing he had any idea of how to lead a pack, too young to do it, and that his place was with the E.F., but I have no doubt he’s going to be just what this pack needs. Plus, he won’t be alone. He has his Nexus, us, and now Aria.
“It’d be wise to start with the Elders. Some of them are a part of the Mastery or at least have knowledge about them. There’s no way they aren’t. Get them in here now, separately from everyone else. The ones who have the mark will be taken to the holding cells, aside from one. We can question one of them for information on the remaining pack members and the others Tillman will read their minds to see if they’re aware of the involvement,” Corentin advises Lyker as we walk up to join them.
“What about the marks you were telling me about? What if we question the Elder and their heart just falls out?” Lyker questions.
“That’s where Aria comes in,” I chime in, gaining everyone’s attention.
“How?” all twelve men ask at one time.
Me, Oakly, and Aria all chuckle at them as they each look at her with questions brewing in their minds.
“I’m an Omega shifter with an ability,” Aria announces confidently.
“Impossible. The last Omega shifter died years ago,” Kian argues.
“The last documented one. I’ve been locked away for eight years since my element and ability emerged,” she tells him.
“Why?” Corentin asks. He’s dying to know what the hell is going on and I smile over my shoulder at him.
My sweet control freak.
“My ability is Ethereal Command. I can command the barrier between the mind and the rune on the Mastery members down. My ability can do more than that, but that’s what got me locked in a cave,” she explains.
“Damn. Don’t take this with any offense, but why didn’t they kill you instead of lock you up?” Lennox asks, looking at her like the badass she is.
“They were hoping they’d find a shifter strong enough to force my shift. I never bothered to tell them that’d never work. Figured it would buy me some time to try to escape. See how far that got me, but at least I’m still alive,” she tells him vaguely.
“That’s how it worked for all other Omega shifters. What makes you different?” Lyker asks as he looks over her thoughtfully.
Aria examines him carefully, contemplating what she’s going to say. “There’s only one Alpha shifter who’s going to be able to bring my animal out.”