We stayed in for the weekend, and Shatter continued to refuse to acknowledge Dusk. The alterations on the ring would take a little while.
To my amusement, her resentment included refusing to eat anything Dusk made—which was, apparently, a whole thing. Umbra, in light of that, was trying more and more extravagant cooking, which I would appreciate more if I weren’t worried it might kill us.
One thing Umbra didn’t stand a chance against was Dusk’s homemade scones, and he actually made them on Sunday morning, possibly to bribe Shatter into claiming one. But Shatter had appeared in the kitchen to find two plates of scones to choose from. One that looked pristine, with a sprinkling of herbs, and the second, which somewhat resembled a pile of dense pale rocks in odd shapes.
Boldly, she took one of Umbra’s rock scones, biting into it with a worrying crack as she sank to his lap on the couch while Dusk ate his breakfast.
And the rest of the day… Well, it was glorious.
The afternoon was spent sorting the new (new) couch, and then we’d watched movies all evening. Shatter had taken it in turns between my lap and Umbra’s, and apparently now, for Shatter, sitting on our laps also included bonuses.
In the cutest display of Shatter-dominance I’d ever seen, she’d curled her hand around Umbra’s neck, tugged open his zipper and then sank right over his length until she’d knotted her sweet little cunt and was locked in tight. Then she proceeded to purr contentedly as the movie ran.
When it released her, she moved on to me.
“You can use me like this whenever you want, Little Reaper,” I growled as she settled over me for the second time in the night.
It almost came to blows at one point, when Dusk had shifted where he was sitting and reached out to her. Umbra had caught his wrist without taking his eyes off the apocalypse movie we were watching.
“Touch her,” Umbra growled, “and I’ll break your fingers.”
Dusk’s lips had drawn back in a snarl, but Shatter, a ball of delight in the bond, had rewarded Umbra with a nip on the neck, then ground over him until he finished with his lip caught in his teeth and his grip circling her waist.
She was very, very smug as she curled back up against his chest, golden gaze fixed on Dusk. He had withdrawn, watching her every movement with something deadly in his eyes. If Dusk was looking at me like that, I would take it much more seriously than she seemed to.
The omega power, I thought, was going to her head, even if I had no problem with that at all.
I wasn’t looking forward to the upcoming week. I had a meeting with the Lincoln pack on Tuesday evening, and I was surprised they thought they had a chance with me, but maybe it spoke to their desperation—hiring Mord Sato was desperation.
On the bright side, Monday morning brought with it some unforgettable entertainment. As we were getting ready for class, Shatter appeared with a sheer scarf around her neck, perfectly covering Dusk’s bite. She was still ignoring him, and while he was showing more restraint than I expected, he did pause when he spotted her scarf.
“Shatter.” His voice was deadly, and bright yellow eyes narrowed. “Take it off.”
It wasn’t a dark bond command, which seemed deliberate.
Shatter glared at him, folding her arms and doing nothing.
“Be mad at me all you want, but you will not hide my claim,” he growled.
Her eyes flickered to him for the briefest second, something haughty in them, but still, she didn’t move.
“Couch.” His voice was low and deadly.
She spun on him from her seat. “What?”
“Don’t make me ask again.”
She looked about to argue but slipped from the bar stool and stalked over to the new couch. I raised my eyebrow as she pressed herself over the arm without a word. I wondered, for a second, if this was exactly why Dusk was so careful about picking those couches out. He wanted one with an arm high enough that she’d fit over it just like she was right now.
I met Umbra’s gaze. He’d frozen in the middle of mixing batter for pancakes, edging across the kitchen and looking completely ridiculous in his flour-dusted apron and slippers as he watched Shatter with undeniable interest.
This was one hell of a start to a Monday.
I grabbed my plate and joined Shatter on the couch, crossing my legs and getting ready for the show. She narrowed her eyes at me, but I’d missed far too many Shatter punishments to skip another second.
Besides, she was mad enough at Dusk she wouldn’t even remember my excitement.
What Umbra had said back in the cabin was right. The two of them had something… different. Special, and when I watched them together, I always learned something new about them both.