Page 132 of Shattered Omega

Umbra grabbed his phone from the side table and typed something into it, but I could feel the curve of a smile on my lips.

“Is it a bad thing?” I asked.

As cute as it was, listening to the sound of her giggles muffled in Umbra’s chest, it sounded kind of bad.

“No…” Shatter shook her head, wide, teary eyes finding me. “No—It was great. I’m great.” That was all she could get out before she burst into another round of laughter.

“Ha.” Umbra said, looking up as he set his phone down.


“Endorphin rush.” He looked smug.

“It… it was,” Shatter choked out. “I mean you both…” She spluttered into another round of giggles as she glanced between me and Ransom. “How do you both fit?”

Umbra barked a laugh this time, and swept her tighter into his arms, holding her close.

“So it’s a good thing?” I asked, a little worried.

“Looks like…” Ransom had grabbed the phone, skimming the page. When he looked up, there was a very smug expression on his face. “We fucked her too good.”


The whole strange laughing orgasm broke my heat which was good, because while I had the intention of banging my alphas plenty more, there were beach things to be done.


In the morning.

Right now, I’d woken in the middle of the night, chugging enough electrolyte drinks to get me through six heats as I considered the strange realisation I’d woken with. Heat, I think, meant being in touch with my omega side, and I think I had an answer to a question that had been nagging at me.

I dug out my phone, finding the text feature (the real one this time), and pulled up Decebal’s contact.

Me: This is Shatter.

Me: Do you talk to Mord?

I stared at the phone, and to my delight, he replied.

Decebal: Not if I can help it.

Me: Can you give me his number? I know what the other half of his scent is.

Decebal: I’m not giving you Mord Sato’s number. Dusk would strangle me with his bare hands.

Decebal: But what’s his scent? I’ve never been able to tell.

Me: Promise you’ll tell him.

Decebal: Fine.

Me: Okay. Don’t make fun of me. I know it sounds crazy. I just woke up, and I knew.

Decebal: Now I’m really curious

Me: Ebony and moon dust.

Decebal: How the fuck do you know what moon dust smells like?