Oh shit.
Those were tears.
I’d fucked up so bad.
The second my eyes welled with tears, Ransom panicked.
Well. Panicked more. He’d started to panic way before that, but it got worse when I cried. His tan skin went ashen and he took a step toward me before immediately retreating again.
He thought I didn’t like it, but he’d made me a gift? No one had ever made me anything like this before.
I choked out a sob and threw myself into his arms, burying my face at his neck. His arms came around me and he held me tight.
“Fuck, Little Reaper. I’m so sorry. I’ll get you something else. A million of them.”
He rumbled with a purr, a desperate attempt to soothe me—but that was all wrong.
“N-no, I… I love it,” I choked out.
Ransom’s purr stuttered. “Um… can you… could you say that again?”
I drew back, lip quivering embarrassingly. “It’s so perfect.” I said, staring up into his pretty jade eyes.
A wedding gift?
I couldn’t even… I blinked back more tears. Sometimes I had to shove away the thought of the marriage. Even a fake wedding, in winter, that never happened was… Well, it was so much more than I thought I’d ever get.
I was gold pack. Broken. A pack was too good to be true, let alone a wedding.
And now Ransom was making me a wedding gift?
“You… don’t want it gone?” He was half-bewildered.
I growled on instinct, shifting to the side until I was standing between my mate and my gift. That shelf could never leave this room. Ever. Well, until my nest moved.
“It’s mine,” I said adamantly, hackles raising like I might have to fight. “You already… You already gave it to me, so you can’t take it back.”
That’s how it worked, right?
Ransom’s sad panic faded from his eyes as I pout-glared at him. His lips twitched into a smile as he stared at me in awe.
“I love you so fucking much.” He kissed my forehead, then my nose. “No one has ever…” He paused, throat bobbing. “You’re just… perfect Shatter.” I turned back to the bookshelf. I didn’t understand why he was anxious.
Maybe because he’d been bringing something into my nest without me knowing. But it had been destroyed, so I was in a transition period anyway.
But the gift was so far beyond perfect. A bookshelf for all my textbooks that was crafted all… not straight, exactly how I liked it—not a tangent line in sight.
My teeth sank into my bottom lip.
He must have worked so hard on it, too. Ransom was rich and smart and good at stuff, so it must have taken a lot of effort for him to make it all not straight for me.
His grip on me tightened and suddenly I couldn’t ignore how close he was, and my scent started to rise, slick gathering in my core.
“When I went feral, Shatter, I barely had anything. No family except Umbra and Dusk, and I didn’t know if I’d wake up, or if I did, they’d even still be there. They shouldn’t have been, you know? I owe those two so fucking much, but the best thing they’ve ever done is find you.”