Page 53 of Shattered Omega


I spun, jumping out of my skin at the sound of Roxy’s voice. I was in the parking lot, and Roxy was hurrying toward me, wearing a cream winter coat with a bag slung over her shoulder.

“Hi!” I said.

“Where are you going?” she asked, surprised.


Roxy frowned, eyes narrowing. “You’re lying.”

“I’m not.” My voice was far too high pitched.


It was Saturday morning, and I was sneaking out. It was the culmination of all of my plans. And (partly) the reason I’d been banging my alphas every night this week. Except Dusk, who was banned from my nest for the time being. But if they weren’t so worn out, there would be no way for me to have snuck out with the new boots Ransom had gifted me last night.

“Where are your alphas?” she asked.

“I got new shoes, I was going to try them out…” I trailed off pathetically.

“Well. I’m coming. There’s a really nice coffee shop that just opened?—”

“You can’t,” I said quickly, edging back. “But I’ll be back to study later.”

Roxy’s eyes narrowed even further, then she was tucking her phone into her bag and striding after me.

“Oh. No, really. You can’t.” Shit. I glanced around. I was sure I didn’t have much time to get away before one of them noticed I was gone. “I mean. You won’t have fun.”

“I don’t care.”

Oh bother. How could I get rid of her?

“It involves… bussing. And a lot of walking,” I said. Not a lie.

I’d mapped out my entire route before my phone had broke again.

“You’re leaving campus?” she asked, but I covered her mouth instantly.

“Shh!” There was no way I was getting rid of her. I could see it in her eyes. “You can’t tell anyone.”

“Your pack doesn’t know?” she asked when I finally removed my hand.

“It’s top secret.”

“But the Lincoln pack are after you—you said Dusk was worried it wasn’t safe.”

“If you come, you have to keep everything secret.”

“My lips are sealed,” she said.

“And you have to turn off your phone.” I’d looked it up on the internet, and apparently if they were switched off, it was harder to track them.

Roxy was already tugging out her phone. “Done. But we aren’t bussing anywhere. I have a car.”

I chewed on my lip, considering that. “Well…” That did sound better.

“Do you know the address?” she asked, dragging me to where she was parked..