“Then, you’re going to have to accept that Tanner is part of the package deal. At least, if you want to keep her happy.” Maverick gestures toward the stairs. “She’s seen you at…” He frowns. “I’m not going to say at your worst, because we all know it can get a hell of a lot darker than a couple of quick executions, but she got a taste of who you are.” He points at my chest. “Then she ran to your crazy ass for safety, not away from you, like most anyone with a fully functional sense of self-preservation would have done.”
“I don’t hurt innocent people,” I grind out, trying to determine why he’s giving me a pep talk when Tanner is probably flouncing his scent all over my personal space.
That’s it.
I’m going to have to place him in spot number two for a few days until he learns his lesson. Much like a puppy piddling on the floor gets put in timeout and frequent trips outside, even when they don’t want to go.
“You’re plotting his dismemberment right now. Aren’t you?” Maverick snorts, shaking his head. “It’s like talking to a wall.”
“I don’t hurt innocent people,” I repeat as my teeth grind together.
“Jesus Christ. Fine, go up there, show your ass, and see how fast she kicks you out of your own bedroom.” Maverick laughs. “The good thing is, she’s just feisty enough to call you on your shit.”
Yes, well, I’ve already seen that firsthand.
I let myself into my bathroom, and the first thing I see is the foggy mirror. The shower has been run recently because the glass drips with fresh condensation. There’s a towel on the floor and several others piled over the edge of the tub.
It’s a four-person style with jets.
I’ve rarely used it, but it’s currently occupied.
Tanner and Laken share one seat. He’s got her back to his chest, and his hands running down her arms.
The little omega’s head swivels toward me. “Are you going to join us?”
My head nods of its own volition, and I move to rip off my T-shirt before dropping it in the laundry basket.
I move to my belt next as my mind races.
Sparrow and I grew up in a pack.
Albeit, a very small one.
Our fathers had their own romantic relationship that pre-dated our mother, but the three of them were very happy together. They made for a solid unit. I’ve seen the benefits of a cohesive pack firsthand.
However, I’ve never envisioned myself sharing. A good deal of that is due to believing I would never claim an omega. All my concerns regarding my enemies are still valid.
I’ll need to ask Grady and Kane how they manage the fear that something could happen to my sister, due to their foes seeking revenge.
I tug off my socks, realizing I’ve already disposed of my jeans and boxer briefs.
I’ll have to fish my belt out of the laundry basket later.
I throw my socks in the basket and notice my work boots lying next to it.
Normally, I would place them in the closet in their cubby, but the tops of Laken’s breasts are visible as they float in the steamy water.
I’m fully aware there’s a plush mat circling the massive tub, but somehow, I struggle to lift my foot high enough and end up tripping over it.
My hands hit the edge of the tile surrounding the tub. Using my upper body strength, I lift my legs and slide into the hot water, but it’s far from a smooth transition.
Laken laughs as the water laps around her chest. My legs are longer than Tanner’s, so I place them on the outside of his.
“You know, there’s a whole side of the tub completely empty,” he says, frowning.
“Yes,” I agree. “Much like you have your own bedroom.”