Page 61 of All In

She leans forward, staring directly into my eyes as she erases even more of the space between us. “Are you attracted to me?”

It takes every ounce of focus I possess to not rear back.

I believe she should know the answer to that question, making me wonder why she’s asking it in the first place.

“You’re beautiful.”

Her mouth parts slightly, and she moves a hand to my chest. “I’m sure you’ve heard it your entire life. You’re stupidly handsome. Seriously, you look like you belong on the cover of some men’s high-fashion magazine or on a runway in Paris. I’m attracted to you too. What I can’t handle is another alpha playing games.”

She must be able to feel how fast my heart races, considering her fingers rest directly over it.

I’m excellent at strategy when it comes to manipulating an opponent’s choices.

What I lack is the ability to form close personal relationships.

I’m strange.

People find my honesty abrasive and off-putting. Add in that I miss social cues more often than I pick them up, and it’s difficult for me to form meaningful relationships.

When I am being sincere, people often think I’m being sarcastic. When I do miss something and ask for clarification, jokes are made that I don’t comprehend.

It’s maddening.

It’s why I long ago gave up on fitting in.

However, I would gain no satisfaction from playing games with Laken’s heart, meaning I would never intentionally hurt her.

“When a person opens up to you about their past trauma.” Laken pats my chest. “You can take that opportunity to offer reassurance or to let the other person down gently if you aren’t interested.” She squints. “Be exceptionally tender if you’re going with the second option. I mean, I was just kidnapped. Kinda twice, if you think about it.”

“You’re not my prisoner.”

“Good to know,” she says with a lopsided smile. “Do you want to add anything about the rest of what I said?”

“My basement is empty,” I inform her, barely holding back the urge to press my lips to hers. “I have plenty of space for anyone who has hurt you.” I smirk to cover how unsettled I’m feeling. “Give me their names, if you’d like me to make them regret their poor life choices.”

“I know you’re joking, but that’s still ridiculously hot.” She smiles up at me from under her lashes, and my cock stirs, desperate to make a fool of me.

It’s concerning how drawn to her I am.

The fluttering in my chest only gets stronger as I appreciate the fullness of her cheeks as she grins.

I think I’ll work harder in the future to encourage additional smiles from her.

I’ve never paid much attention to physical appearance. It’s certainly never played a factor in attraction—mostly because I don’t think I’ve ever felt true desire for someone.

Until now.

It’s not just her physical attributes, either. Her scent deeply influences my system. I’ve never been led around by my cock, but at the moment, I’m dangerously close to acting without thought.

My head tilts as I pick up the sounds of someone banging on my bedroom door.

I sigh heavily. “Apparently, they can’t be left to figure out anything on their own.”

Maverick and Gunner have stayed here before. They should be able to parcel out which rooms I intended for them to stay in now.

That means it’s Tanner with a death wish.

“What?” I growl, ripping the door open. All three men stand in a semi-circle.