Page 53 of All In

“Her life cannot be replaced once snuffed out,” Ranger says in his cold tone. “And yes, not one person filed a missing person’s report for Laken.”

“She’s still fragile from being kidnapped,” I say, trying to talk some sense into him. “If you make her feel like she escaped one set of captors only to end up with another, she’s going to hate all of us. It’ll only be a matter of time before she tries to run.”

“God, don’t tell him that,” Annika says, laughing. “I’m pretty sure that’s how I ended up married to Cas. You never know who he’ll try to pawn her off on.”

I take a step back.

These people are fucking insane.

“She’s nearing her heat. We need to get somewhere safe and fortified while we wait to see where Adair and Kurran ran to.” Ranger clasps his hands in front of his waist. “Maverick and Gunner will be returning to Virginia with us to help keep watch, in case the Barretts make a move. You’re either on my team or you’re not. Which is it, Tanner?”

“Does talking to him always feel like one of those code puzzles that no one bothered giving you the answer key to?” I ask Annika.

She laughs, slapping me on the shoulder. “You’re finally starting to get the hang of it.”

Ranger grips his sister’s wrist, removing her hand from my back. “Don’t touch Tanner. It appears the little omega has claimed him as her own. We’re currently in a stalemate, but she hasn’t made any additional phone calls since I threatened his life.”

Annika laughs. “Yeah, she doesn’t seem ready to be friends with me just yet. Not that I don’t get why, but I can’t wait to see how she reacts to you bringing her home with you to find that another omega lives in your house.”

“Why would she care about Kate?” Ranger growls, spinning in a circle. “I feel even less like I understand humanity than I did yesterday, and it’s beginning to infuriate me!”

“Oh, you poor, clueless boy,” Annika says, laughing. “This is going to be fun to watch.”

I ignore them as my heart races, and I move to look at Laken once more.

I grin, giving her a wave.

She jolts, glancing away, like she can’t believe she got caught creeping on me.


I don’t hate the idea of being claimed by her.

Not one little bit.

The drive takes all damn day. It’s already dark by the time we get into Virginia, and there are still several hours left to make it to Ranger’s home. We started out as a convoy of five or six SUVs, but that has naturally been weaned down to just two vehicles sticking together for stops. Maverick and Gunner with their dogs in one, and Ranger, Laken, me, and the two guys up front in the other.

Ranger and Laken have done an excellent job of pretending the other doesn’t exist...

All damn day.

She also refuses to sit in the second row next to him. So, she and I have been trapped in the back together for the entire drive.

Not that I mind, but I did kinda run away from her this morning.

It’s hard not to facepalm when I think about it.

My teeth were aching with the urge to bite her, and my dick was a sticky, leaking mess, trying to convince me she was ready to be bred.

There’s something next-level about being around a scent match.

I’ve never experienced anything like it.

Things might be a little tense between us, since neither knows where we stand with the other, but it’s not uncomfortable.

Continually throughout the drive, I’ve found her scooting closer to me.

It’s an incredible feeling because when she stretches to the other side of her seat, I find myself extending a hand to link our fingers together.