Page 37 of All In

I sigh. “Will isn’t going to fire me. I’m technically his boss.”

“What?” she asks, squinting up at me.

“It’s true. Now, come on. Let me help you get some clothes on, and we can head over to my place. You can pop in tomorrow morning to end things with the cheating dick.”

She grimaces.

“I think that makes me a cheating dick, too, but I honestly can’t bring myself to care.” She raises her arms, making me chuckle as I lift her and wrap her around my muscular form. “You made me really happy tonight. It was a nice change of pace to feel like the interest is mutual.”

Interest is too mild a word to describe my obsession with making her mine. And yet, that would probably scare her.

I pinch her ass. “The interest is most definitely mutual.”

Striding toward Will’s bedroom, I grab her dress and as much of my clothing as I come across.

“I lost my shirt and socks somewhere,” I admit, setting her down on the edge of Will’s bed. “Give me just a minute.”

“Okay,” she agrees around a yawn.

I yank on my jeans and head back to collect her purse and my shoes.

I’m just tossing her medicine bottle back in her bag when Will’s front door opens.

He’s got a different chick than the one he left with wrapped under his arm.

The reminder that he tried to make a deal with my fucking family to double-cross me has my fists clenching at my sides.

I drop Laken’s purse, striding across the room. Making eye contact with the woman, I growl, “Leave.”

She jolts.

“What the fuck, man?” Will asks, eyeing me up and down. “Why does it smell like Laken in here?”

“You mean your girlfriend?” I growl, pointing at the woman. “Leave now.”

She gives Will a confused, or maybe betrayed, look. He barely spares her a glance as he glares my way.

She finally nods, ducking under his arm and escaping toward the door.

“I’ve known you wanted her for a while, but this is low,” Will growls, advancing on me.

That ugly part of me that proves I wasn’t adopted snaps.

Most of the next two minutes are a blur as I beat the fuck out of him.

Not solely for trying to betray me.

And also not completely for Laken.

I’m just really fucking done with his bullshit.

I drag his ass into his guest room and tie him up with the supplies I use whenever I need to have a conversation with someone who isn’t hearing me.


I need to check on Laken, I realize.

I glance at the door and back at Will, who lies hog-tied on the guest room mattress.