The SUV is warm on the drive to their hotel.
So, why does my body tremble with shivers?
I have no idea.
The massive alpha unclips his seat belt and scoots to my side.
He grins, nodding at his chest. “I’m not sure if you’re brave enough to go another round with my man-funk, but I’m available for cuddling if you’re cold.”
I give him a soft smile and shimmy my top half closer to his chest.
Omegas do best with coddling from alphas. He’s an unknown factor, and part of me screams that I need to be careful, but the rest is just too exhausted to keep fighting. I’ve been on edge for so many days, but the vibe with my kidnappers was completely different than with Tanner.
I rest my forehead against his pec, rolling my face up to meet his. “Thanks.”
He chuckles. “It’s nothing. I couldn’t stand watching you shivering for much longer. I was about to scoop you up and drop you into my lap.”
If I would have known that was an option, I might have gone for that.
The hotel room is nice, but it’s not huge. There are two queen-size beds, a small table, and a bathroom. It’s still better than being trapped in that trunk.
“If you want to jump in the shower, you can go ahead,” Tanner says. “I’ll run and grab the medic. That way, he can give you a once-over as soon as you’re done.” He hands me a stack of clothing that isn’t mine.
I’m fairly sure the sweatpants belong to Ranger and the T-shirt is Tanner’s.
It doesn’t bother me.
I’ll wear just about anything to be out of this disgusting dress.
My eyes bounce between Tanner and the bathroom.
It’s the strangest feeling because, if he leaves, I’ll be able to use the telephone, but the idea of being alone makes me unnaturally anxious.
The next major problem is that I can possibly remember Lyra’s phone number, and maybe my job’s, but my cell phone normally has everyone’s number at the ready.
I don’t think I know anyone else’s number by heart.
“Would you stay?” I ask, looking up at him under my lashes. “I don’t want to see the doctor right now.”
Tanner nods, scratching his jaw. “Yeah, I mean, that’s your call. No one is going to force you to talk to the medic. Do you want me to order room service while you clean up?”
“Please, I’m starving.”
“No problem,” he says in an easy tone. “If this place doesn’t have room service, I’ll send someone out to grab us something.”
I move before I even know what I’m doing.
My arms wrap around his middle, giving him a squeeze. “Thanks, Tanner.”
My cheeks feel hot as I spin around to retreat into the bathroom. So much has happened that I’m a little concerned it’s all going to hit me at once.
I’ll face that if and when it comes.
Right now, I’m just thankful to be alive.
If these guys aren’t what they seem, then I’m pretty sure I can sweet-talk Tanner into helping me escape. Even he said that he was new around here.