“I’ll get her.” I jog toward the door without waiting for a reply.
“My property is as secure to get out of as it is impossible to get in. She’ll be fine. I think she just needed a moment to herself,” Ranger calls after me. “I also wasn’t done brainstorming this problem.”
That man is either fully clueless or delusional.
I haul ass through the living room, and Gunner stands near the open door that leads to the back porch. Each glass French door has its own security shutters, marked by the rectangular boxes over the top, proving exactly how secure this place can get when Ranger needs it to be.
“The omega stole our dogs,” Gunner growls. “It was a mutiny. Haze has refused to go out to take a piss all damn day because he’s a princess about his paws getting wet. Laken strides right out in the rain, and both dogs hauled ass with her.”
“And you wonder where your dog gets it from. Maybe don’t be a spoiled ass and step outside to call them in?” I offer, jogging through the open door. “They won’t fuck with me if I scoop her up, right?” I call over my shoulder.
“Normally, I would say no, but Nova has been all over Laken. She’s been sticking close to try to comfort her,” Maverick says, leaning over the edge of the porch railing. He’s still under the cover of the roof, but if he leans over the railing much farther, he’ll be soaked too. “You’ll probably want to send them back before touching her.”
I snort, hitting the bottom step. “You could come with me, you know.”
Cool rain stings against my face as I jog. Luckily, Maverick starts whistling for the dogs.
Lazy asses.
I’m going to be really pissed if I get bit by either one of those massive beasts.
Chapter Twenty
Ranger is by far the most infuriating man I’ve ever met. We had very sweet, kinda lazy, middle-of-the-night sex, and then he ignored me all damn day.
Now he wants to talk absolute insanity about marriage certificates…but only with Tanner. The man can’t communicate with me personally, unless it involves grunting orders like, Close the door. Don’t worry, we’ll cuddle tonight.
Like he can distract me with snuggles.
My chest gets warm and fuzzy at the thought of feeling his muscular body wrapped tightly around mine.
This is a problem.
The woods are a straight shot past Ranger’s back porch.
Vale told me that her house is basically a fifteen-minute walk in this direction, since her property backs up to Ranger’s.
That off-handed comment wasn’t necessarily an invitation, but if I don’t get the hell out of here, I think I might lose my mind.
It’s not just the maddening alpha. Although, I’m not sure how I feel about the fact he basically insinuated I took his virginity.
He’s almost thirty.
Do nearly thirty-year-old virgins really exist?
I mean, I’m sure they do, but holy shit, that’s a lot of pressure.
My stomach feels weird when I think about it.
I wish I’d known.
If you’re going to hold out that long, then you deserve really good sex for your first try. I mean, I really enjoyed it, but I was also hazy and kind of demanding.
I should have put more focus on spoiling him.
I’m still baffled by how he chose me.