I don’t even have those to buffer with. Add in all the stress of everything that’s happened, and I know some of my behavior has been me overreacting.
“Thank you,” I say sincerely.
“Ramirez is the medic, but there’s also a female doctor in town. If you’d feel more comfortable talking to her, I would be open to going with you if you want some company.” She gives a tight smile, and my chest aches, but not with my own misery.
It’s clearly her pain at whatever memories she’s recalling.
“Thank you,” I repeat because I don’t know what else to say.
“Of course.” She nods. “Ranger is an absolute psychopath.” She laughs, shaking her head. “Like a complete fucking lunatic, but he’s nothing like the fuckheads you were with.”
I’m sure I look a lot like I feel…
Really freaking confused.
How do they know each other again?
“As it turns out,” Ranger says, guiding me up the stairs a short while later. “I have two rooms that are unusable, due to Kate and her pack. Thankfully, they’re finally vacating the premises. The housekeepers will tackle those tomorrow. I also need to find rooms for Maverick and Gunner. There’s also the matter of finding somewhere for Tanner to stay until he finds alternate arrangements.”
“Okay,” I say, trying to keep pace as he strides up the stairs.
He makes it to the top and turns around so abruptly, I bump into his chest. He immediately stretches an arm around me, placing his hand on my lower back.
“I would prefer that you’re not agreeable just to be agreeable.” His forehead wrinkles as he leans closer. “It throws me off. No one ever agrees with me without an argument.”
My nostrils flare as his electric scent hits my senses. An embarrassing cooing sound that I swear I’ve never made in my life slips from my lips, and the next thing I know, my face is plastered to his chest.
The man is ridiculously tall.
I’m pretty sure I mumble that because the next thing I know, his forearm is wrapped around my ass, and I’m lifted against his chest. My feet circle his backside because we’re still precariously close to the top of the stairs.
“Kate was a houseguest, nothing more.” He clears his throat. “And while she did as she pleased around most of my home, there is one place I know her scent hasn’t infiltrated.”
“She seemed like more than a houseguest,” I grumble, stretching up to bury my face in his throat.
His stubble scratches against the cut on my cheek, and I hiss.
“There’s no need for theatrics. I wanted her out even more than you did.” He does an about-face and marches down the hall.
I scoff. “Your itchy beard hurt the cut on my cheek.”
He pauses his stride mid step, tilting his face down to study mine. “There’s only a small amount of blood. I’ll clean that up for you in my bedroom.”
There really is something wrong with my brain when his words make my lady bits tingle.
Chapter Seventeen
Ifind it slightly conspicuous that Laken doesn’t fight me at all as I carry her to my bedroom. She also doesn’t say a word about the thumbprint lock that I place her down in front of.
“We’ll need to key this for you too,” I say, scanning my thumb and entering the code to add an additional user. I’ve had this feature memorized since purchasing the device, and never once have I trusted anyone enough to give them access to my bedroom. “I’ll need the thumb of your dominant hand.”
“Will I get it back?” She laughs, holding out her hand.
“Cute.” I hold her right thumb to the scanner. The lights blink, and the system beeps to acknowledge she’s been successfully added. “This is the pack bedroom.” It’s also my room, but I avoid reiterating that information. I swing the door open and extend an arm for her to go first.
Laken walks in but stops several feet inside the dark room.