Page 40 of All In

“I will.” My heart races in my chest as he spins around, heading out of the small bathroom. He leaves the door open, and I grab the shirt sitting on the edge of the counter.

Catching sight of myself in the slightly foggy mirror is kind of terrifying.

I barely recognize the face looking back at me. The scratch on my cheek is red, but it’s the bruise that looks disgusting. It doesn’t feel great, but it definitely looks worse than it is.

And all I can think is how lucky I am nothing worse happened to me.

I don’t bother taking off the towel, because Tanner is a big guy. I’m pretty sure I can put his shirt on over it, then drop the towel without having to get completely naked.

Only, as I shake it out, I get a strong hit of Tanner’s scent. The shirt ends up plastered to my nose as I huff deep hits of his woodsy scent. It’s like cedar and fresh rain—or some clean smell I don’t know how to describe.

My pupils are huge as I see myself in the mirror once more.

They teach omegas that we’re safer with a pack at our side.

And I lived that lesson firsthand.

My instincts scream that I have a compatible alpha within reach.

Now, I just have to make him want me enough that he claims me.

I saw how dangerous life can be for an omega on her own and got a front-row view of how ruthless these guys are when they have to be. They seem like the kind of people I want watching my back.

Tugging the shirt down over my head, I try to shake those thoughts away.

Bonding isn’t something that should be done out of terror. At the same time, I don’t ever want to feel that helpless again.

Tanner wasn’t joking when he said he ordered a crap load of food. There’s everything from sandwiches and burgers and fries to soup that smells like ramen. I don’t know exactly what it ends up being, because I go for the turkey club and fries.

Although, he only gives me a tiny portion.

“If you eat that and feel okay in like thirty minutes, then you have some more.” He grimaces, seeing the look on my face. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re a little intimidating when you glare like that, firecracker.”

I pause with the fry halfway to my mouth.

It’s kind of crazy he would call me that.

Most everyone thinks I’m mild and a little mousy. Probably because I always have been, but I don’t mind him seeing me as braver than I really am.

“All right.” He nods to my feet as I lie stretched out on the hotel bed. “This is going to suck, but I need to clean up those wounds.”

“I’ll do my best not to fight you, but if you plan to use antiseptic, you might need to hold my legs down. Even the soapy water running over them hurt really bad.”

Tanner frowns, making his forehead wrinkle. “Are you sure you don’t want me to grab Ramirez? That’s the medic. He actually came along, just in case…”

“No.” I shove the fry into my mouth, bringing a hand up to cover my face as I chew. “I can handle it. I’m good.”

He sighs heavily but stands and walks over to grab the medical kit.

Tanner takes his time bandaging both ankles before moving to my wrists. The cuts aren’t as bad on those. Maybe because my arms were behind my back, so I couldn’t move them as much. By the time he’s done, I’m finished with the food he allotted for my first attempt at sustenance in days.

I’m still hungry, but my stomach doesn’t feel great, and I think he was right to put a limit on how much I could eat. I’d rather not get violently sick from overdoing it.

“Okay, well, I’m going to jump in the shower if you’re okay with that,” Tanner says, shoving the rest of the supplies back into the first aid kit.

My eyes widen as my chest gets tight, but I nod my agreement. “Okay.”

“You can watch TV or get some rest. Just don’t open the door for anyone, and if you need me, pop in.” He gives a dazzling smile filled with perfect, straight, white teeth, and it’s plain to see he’s a charmer.