Page 76 of Ladybirds

“Well, I certainly wasn’t referring to his other half.”

“He’s a resident.”

“Yes, I’m well aware,” he says. “Good thing he won’t be able to order a slew of unnecessary tests.”

Standing, Sara paces the living room, one hand carrying the rag in a white-knuckled grip while the other tangles in her hair. “This is insane. I can’t—how does that conversation even go, Seth? There’s no way.”

He rolls his eyes, pushing himself off the couch. “Right, I suppose I’ll do it myself then. I apologize in advance for the mess. Do you have a needle and fishing line?”

“What?! No! Ugh! Sit back down. I’ll call.”

“Will you make up your bloody mind?”

Sara doesn’t respond—she’s already pulling her phone from her back pocket and hitting the call button before she can talk herself out of it. Even though she dials Miles’ number, it’s Jen that answers. “Hey, it’s like, almost midnight. You ok?”

Sara cringes. She hadn’t even thought about the time. “Yeah, um, well sort of? I’m not in, you know, danger or anything but—”

Seth takes the phone from her. “Yes, hello Jen. Terribly sorry to intrude, but would your husband, perchance, be available?”

Sara grabs the phone, hand slapping over the receiver and hissing at him, “What is wrong with you?! Perchance?”

He shrugs. “Good manners get you anywhere.”

If he wasn’t injured she’d smack him, as it is she lets out a frustrated growl before bringing the phone back to her ear. She sends him a glare before hobbling into her bedroom and shutting the door. “God, I’m sorry. I really—”

“There’s a guy in your apartment.”

Sara winces, heat pricking her cheeks. “Yes.”

“A guy, with an accent like that, is in your apartment. Right now.”

Sara doesn’t have time to respond before there’s a scuffling sound of the phone changing hands. In the background, Sara can overhear Jen squealing that, “there’s a guy in Sara’s apartment” just before Miles speaks.

“Am I happy or worried for you?” he asks. “Because considering the time, I’m leaning toward the second. Do you need me to call the police? Just say yes.”

“No, no, it’s nothing like that. I’m not in any danger, Seth is a...” Oh god, what were they now? “Friend.”

There’s a moment of silence on the other line. “You hesitated.”

Sara bites her lip, releasing a long, internal scream. “I haven’t exactly had time to figure out our relationship status, ok?” she hisses into the phone, trying not to think of the shirtless sort-of-something-more sprawled across her couch.

“Whoa, wait, relation—”

“Miles, I need your help,” her voice cracks, threatening to break.

“Sara, you’re seriously starting to scare me, girl. You sure you’re ok?”

She sniffs, rolling her eyes in frustration. “Yes, I’m fine. It’s just—it’s been a really crazy day, there was this moose and now Seth’s hurt and he’s being a stubborn jerk and refusing to go have someone look at it, even though I really think he could use some stitches, and—”

“Ok, ok. Take some deep breaths for me, alright? I’m putting some clothes on now. I’ll grab my bag and be over in about fifteen minutes. Sooner if I can manage it. Ok?”

Sara breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

“He hurt anywhere else?”

Sara thinks of the lead in his chest, the myriad of bruises decorating his skin, and swallows. On the other end of the line, she can hear the sound of their front door closing. “Yeah, but he says none of it’s an emergency.”

“Everyone’s a doctor,” Miles grumbles, car beeping in the background. A moment later, she hears the start of the engine. “Put him on.” He must sense her hesitation, because his voice softens. “I’m just making sure there isn’t actually an emergency.” A beat of silence, then, “You did mention a moose, right? Or was I hearing things?”