Page 86 of Stars in Halo

A soft laugh sounded as the visage of a stunningly beautiful, dark-skinned, aloof, and enigmatic beauty shimmered onscreen.

Her face was unlined, her eyebrows elevated and arching, her cheekbones razor-sharp and embedded with jewels per Iccythrian tradition. Her eyes, black as coal, took in everything with one sweep.

She spoke with strength and with a self-assured seriousness. There were no mid-sentence hushed whispers, and none of the high voices endemic among many royal females throughout Iccythria.

Khosana Sonaya DKRT was a formidable woman who’d married the Duke’s father, the Khosani Ranim DKRT, after meeting the widower at a diplomatic gathering.

She’d declared him her choice of lifetime mate, and unable to refuse the hand of ALMQ, Ranim had conceded to the union.

They’d been wed seven weeks later, with Ranim besotted with his unlikely bride.

She’d taken over his household and charmed his four-year-old son, Duke, into loving her, too.

She’d tried to win over Hani, the Khosani’s heir, but he’d rejected the usurper because he was missing his deceased mother.

Still, the Khosani had never regretted a day of his life with his wife. He’d fallen in love with the indomitable force she was then and now, living in bliss with her until his death over six years ago.

As Khosana of House DKRT, Sonaya has advocated for several seminal causes across Iccythria, from women’s and children’s rights to education, environmental concerns, and the development of stronger ties bridging the various houses, classes, and clans.

In recognition of her work, she’d accepted many awards throughout Pegasi, across Iccythria, and beyond and was ranked as one of the System’s most invincible individuals.

Yet, between running a prominent Ccyth House and supporting Duke’s father’s role as a member of the Iccythrian Leadership Council and championing her own, she’d still had time to bake, cook, and even clean her home.

She’d been to Duke’s every school sporting event, made each academic event and concert, and, as he’d matured, attended graduations, meets, and races.

She’d even lent him his starting capital for his firm and was a part investor in his now very lucrative security business.

She was a supportive, if not a tad meddling, force of nature in his life.

Yet she’d also given him his independence and let him walk his path, living away from Iccythria for over twenty years.

This was why he now gazed at her through the holo with affection and dread.

‘You only call when you’ve had enough of missing me or when the ash from Mount Xarat has covered the city, which is hardly ever. So what bad news do you have?’ she said, narrowing her laser eyes on him.

Duke’s lips twisted. ‘It’s your uncle, K’Sumi. He’s lost the plot.’

‘Fokk. What has he done? Isn’t his loss of face from his terrible investments ample? Worse, there’s a coup rumoured to be in play. Many houses are rallying against him. He doesn’t have the support of the majority to stay on the throne, and I can imagine he’s desperate. Also, I’m guessing I’ll have to unfix his shit once again, right?’

Duke sighed. ‘Nailed it.’

‘Tell me everything,’ his mother demanded.

‘I think he’s gone for broke and kidnapped, amongst others, a Sable Rider who’s now free but pissed off as all hell about K’Sumi. I’m not sure what Uncle’s plan is yet, but it’s diabolical. While riling The Sable Group at the same time.’

‘Fokk, like we need their particular brand of heat,’ the Khosana snarled.

‘We don’t. So we have to help Xion Sable, or else there’ll be repercussions from The Sable Group.’

‘What’s he after?’ the Khosana asked.

‘Air, guns and troop support on LeCythi.’

The woman before him took a breath. ‘We’ll be recompensed for the mission costs?’

Duke nodded. ‘Absolutely. As far as I know, the Riders always keep their promises, and they’ve never reneged on any deal. But of more importance, we’ll require your palace as a safe harbour.’

‘For what or who?’