Page 144 of Stars in Halo

It was so stunning that Kainan bought it from her and hung it in the Sable HQ lobby, making her creations an instant hit on Eden II.

Commissions flowed in, and soon, Katya found herself in high demand as a showcase artist on Eden II.

Before long, her pieces adorned the most prestigious galleries and public spaces, each a masterpiece that captured the essence of the celestial beauty surrounding them.

As Katya’s fame grew, so did her connection with the people of Eden II.

Creating her art served as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those who gazed upon it.

Any whispers of her past as a rogue thief faded into oblivion, replaced by admiration for her talent and resilience.

With her legitimate wealth, Katya set up trust funds so that her adopted youngsters would have financial security for their future.

She was keen to ensure they would never struggle like she did growing up.

She, her mother, and her children thrived in their new environment, basking in the affection and stability of the Riders’ extended family.

Her little household also soon came to adore Xion.

The once childless bachelor stepped up to the role of de facto uncle and dad.

Katya fell in love with Xion all over again as he navigated the fatherhood highway.

Without complaining, he took on the mantle of helping to raise youngsters unrelated to himself—with humour, strength, and a tenderness that brought her to tears.

‘I’m having a riot getting to know them,’ he told his woman one night.

‘Their personalities are always changing and growing, and they’re very individual,’ she warned.

Xion soon came to find out on his own.

Kira and Kali both had terrible separation anxiety since their kidnapping and were seeing therapists for it. Hugs from Katya and Xion seemed to help.

Kian was boisterous and had visions of becoming a wildlife controller in Dunia.

Kade loved music, dancing and blazers with gold buttons.

Kane was a heart-on-his-sleeve romantic.

Kaan and Kadi were super agreeable and sweet and went along with everything.

Koda was a rough-and-tumble kid.

Kylo, Kobe, and Kastian were in their early teens and had started to argue a lot, insisting on things being done in specific ways and changing their minds often. Xion’s presence in their lives gave them the structure they needed, and he brought them to his kapo classes, which nurtured a bond with them and instilled discipline, too.

Kashton and Kaaia were addicted to hugs and wrestling on the floor

They were also all silly, serious, messy, impetuous, loving, selfish, selfless, confident, guarded, funny and quick-witted.

Despite their complicated pasts, the kids were resilient and full of life. They embraced every new experience with excitement and curiosity. While there were still moments when their trauma would resurface, Katya’s love and support, along with Xion’s care, guided them through it.

It helped that all the other Riders were dads, too, and they waded in when it all got too much for Xion.

Still, he soldiered on with a grace that belied his once notorious bachelor status.

One night, she woke to Kaaia’s crying.

Rolling out of bed, she found Xion had first reached the child’s room.