Page 93 of The Home Game

“Um,” Antoni said, clearing his throat. “I, uh—”

“Now, there’s just a little bit of paperwork that must have slipped your mind. I know when we spoke initially you said you were dating someone and then shortly after, you said you’d be caring for the children solo. It’s no problem that your relationship status has changed. Sometimes it takes a little while for the partner to adjust to the idea of suddenly having a family they weren’t prepared for but they come around. We just need some information from Mr. Carlson—uhh, Matty—so we can have it on record.”

She huffed and straightened. “Shoot. I apologize. The visit was a last-minute addition to my schedule and I must not have moved the paperwork from my bigger bag to this one. I’ll grab it from the car and be right back.”

When the door shut behind her, Antoni muttered, “What the fuck?”

Matty gave him a helpless shrug.

Antoni continued. “What … is she someone else who thinks we’re dating? You said your coach assumed it and I know my lawyer did and …”

Matty looked equally confused. “I think Judy might think that but I’m not quite sure. I just got home from practice and lunch with the new coach. I wasn’t around when she talked to the kids but your parents said that was okay …”

“Yeah, no, that’s totally normal. They like to talk to the kids one-on-one,” Antoni assured him. “But shit, what do we do? I don’t want the kids to lie about us dating! What if when Alexis overheard us talking last night, she assumed that meant she had to lie?”

“Maybe?” Matty said quietly. “I mean, I can kinda see how it would seem to her …”

“Yeah, but … we’re not sharing a bedroom.” Antoni considered it. “Eli might not think about that but Alexis would, right?”


“Fuck! I don’t know what to do! If Alexis told her that, I feel like if I go back on it now it’ll cause more problems.”

Matty shrugged, then hesitated. “We could go along with it.”

“I—I don’t feel good about lying to the social worker. She’s a good person. She’s just looking out for the kids’ welfare.”

“I know. But …” Matty looked uncertain. “But if it helps your custody …”

“And I’m really not good with the kids lying to anyone!” Antoni hissed.

“Of course not! I’m not either,” Matty said. “I mean, not that it’s my call but …”

Alexis walked in. “Hey, now that Judy’s gone, can I get a snack? I’m starving.”

“Yeah, of course you can,” Antoni said. “Grab whatever you want. But she’s not gone. She wants Matty to fill out some paperwork because she thinks we’re dating. Did you have something to do with that?”

“Umm, maybe?”

“Alexis!” he protested. “What on earth were you thinking?”

The sound of the door opening made Antoni’s heartrate spike.

“Just play along,” Alexis hissed and Antoni bugged his eyes out, then glanced wildly at Matty for help just before Judy came around the corner.

“Oh, hello, Alexis,” she said with a smile.

Alexis smiled back. “Sorry to interrupt. I’m just grabbing a snack. Matty’s been teaching Uncle Antoni to cook. Did I tell you he’s showing me how to make all of these awesome vegetarian snacks? Have you ever had roasted chickpeas? They’re really yummy.”

“I have not,” Judy said. “But I’ll make note of those things in your file. It’s great that you’re learning to cook more, Antoni, and I’m delighted to hear Matty’s been a big part in that.”

“He’s been a huge help,” Antoni said weakly. “I don’t know what I’d do without him.”

Which was true, but Jesus Christ, what the fuck was happening right now?

“So, Matty,” Judy said with a smile. “How about you fill out these forms right now?”

“I’d be happy to,” he said and Antoni shot him a look as he took a seat at the counter beside Judy.