“I was contacted by the lawyer representing Bill and Robin Swanson.”
“What do they want now?” Antoni asked, confused.
“It appears the news about you dating Matt Carlson has strengthened their desire to get custody of the kids.”
“Are you f—” He bit off the expletive. “Seriously?”
“I’m afraid so. It’s flimsy, but they’re going to try to prove that it makes you unfit.”
“They’re going to try to take the kids from me based on the grounds that they think I’m dating a man?”
“They think it will strengthen their case, yes.”
“What the… This is so fucking stupid. The Swansons have always known I’m gay!” Apparently, he was done censoring himself. Oh well, April had probably heard worse.
“Yes. And you being gay is not legal grounds for being declared an unfit guardian at all. However, they’re probably hoping they can find evidence that this new situation, this new person in the kids’ lives is a concern.”
“I had a background check run!” Antoni protested. “Matty—Matt Carlson is a good person. He’s been nothing but kind and generous to us. The housing market is a nightmare and this seemed like our best solution, you know?”
“I understand that.” Her tone was reassuring. “I do wish you’d told me that you were dating someone new though. That does impact your case.”
“Look, I think there’s been some misunderstanding,” Antoni protested. “We’re not— Wait, what do you mean that impacts my case? In a positive or a negative way?”
“Well, that depends. I’ll need to know more details. It was my understanding that you were single. I know the articles insinuate that you and Matt Carlson are living together now and I understand that the housing market may have pushed that scenario forward sooner than it would have otherwise, but—”
“Ugh.” Antoni rubbed his face, trying to figure out what to say to her. He wasn’t exactly a legal expert but he knew there was attorney-client privilege. But was that just in criminal cases? If he told her the truth, would she have to tell the social worker? He didn’t know what the right call was.
And goddamn it, he’d been so worried about how the stupid trash gossip article was going to impact Matty, he’d never considered how it could impact him and the kids.
Antoni’s head was swimming with thoughts and he didn’t know where to fucking start. “Wait, before we get into anything else, I have a couple of questions,” he said.
“Of course,” April said. “I’m happy to answer anything I can.”
“How did the Swansons even find out that I moved in with Matty? I mean, yeah, I know the story was on JockGossip but …” It seemed farfetched that they would read that site.
“I would assume they or their lawyer have your name flagged so they get alerts on any news items regarding you.”
“I’m not in the news! Or at least I didn’t think that site was considered a reputable source.”
“It isn’t. But the story seems to be gaining some steam. It was trending on social media this morning and is being discussed pretty widely.”
“Are you … seriously?”
“Hockey is big, Antoni. And Matt Carlson is a huge name in Toronto. Your name has been linked to his. He hasn’t publicly dated a man in the past. That’s bound to get attention.”
Antoni bit back another curse. “Okay, so what were you saying about how this could impact my case?”
“So, we’ve discussed the fact that the more stability you can show the better.”
“Right, that’s why we moved into Matty’s place. It’s a great place for the kids,” Antoni said. “They all have their own rooms now and—”
“Which I’m sure is something Judy will be glad to see. But still, introducing a new person into their lives is also something she’ll factor in,” April said, her tone soothing.
“The kids love Matty,” Antoni pointed out.
“And that will help too. Look, I still have every reason to believe you will be able to retain custody. You were named guardian in your friends’ will, temporary guardianship has been extended, and both of those things go a long way.”