Page 84 of The Home Game

“Nope,” Matty assured him. “But I like that you care. And, you know, I’d be happy to have people think we were dating. I’d be proud of dating you.”

“Matty …”

He grimaced. “I know. Sorry.”

“No, I get it. I … for a minute there, in the driveway last night, I did want to kiss you.”

“Just then?” Matty asked.

“No,” Antoni admitted with a sigh. “I want to kiss you all the damn time. It’s just, you’ve done so much for us already. I can’t …”

When he didn’t finish, Matty nodded because he was pretty sure he knew what Antoni was struggling to say. The kids had to come first. “It’s okay, I get it. No pressure.”

“Thanks. I’ve gotta go though. Students are lining up outside my door and I don’t usually lock them out. I just needed a private place to talk for a minute, you know?”

“No worries,” Matty said. “Have a good day at school.”

“Thanks. Have fun at practice. Say hi to the guys for me.”

“I will. See you when you get home.”

They said their goodbyes and Matty finished cleaning the kitchen. He thought about Antoni’s words and how much he was worried about him.

And Matty wondered if he’d lied when he’d said the team wouldn’t care. They would.

They’d give him so much shit for this.

“Matty and Antoni, sittin’ in a tree …”

Matty shoved his nasty, sweaty glove in Colton’s face to shut him up. “How do you even know that stupid nursery rhyme? It’s older than Olds here.”

Dom sputtered. “Fuck you, it’s older than that.”

“Nothing’s older than that,” Jordan chirped.

“You’re all assholes,” Dom muttered. “Now, are we gonna keep practicing or what?”

“Practicing! Yes, thank you!” Matty said, relieved. “C’mon, guys. Let’s get some more drills in.”

But when practice was over, the interrogation started up again. This time more seriously.

“Are you dating Antoni?” Dustin asked seriously as they stripped off their gear after practice.

“I’d like to,” Matty admitted. “But Antoni … he’s worried about the kids. And I get it.”

“Yeah, they always have to come first for him.”

“Of course,” Matty said. “I’m not mad about that. I’m not mad about any of it, honestly. It’s just … you know, it’s hard. When you do want a relationship and you meet someone who seems perfect for you and …”

“I didn’t think you wanted to date men,” Dustin said with a little frown. “And that’s fine. No judgement. You just always seemed a little … I don’t know, uncomfortable with the idea.”

Matty shrugged. “I think I just hadn’t met a guy I wanted to date before.”

“Even the one you had the threesome with?”

Matty winced, thinking about the awkward way his friendship with Dale had ended. “Maybe if I hadn’t been married to Courtney, I would have been into that? But I dunno, then I wasn’t really as comfortable with the idea. I just … I don’t know. It’s complicated, right?”

“Sure,” Dustin said.