But for now, since Antoni didn’t have Matty, he was grateful no one else did either. Even though it made him feel like a horrible person.
Because Matty deserved all of the love and affection in the world.
When Matty returned from practice later that day, he asked if they wanted to have another picnic at the park since the weather was still lovely and warm.
Antoni didn’t have the heart to say no.
So he let himself enjoy the day, playing tag with Eli and River while Matty minded Reese and Alexis skateboarded—this time with her own board, because she’d come prepared.
When they got out of the SUV after, and Matty wrapped an arm around Antoni’s waist to gently coax him out of the way so he could grab Reese, Antoni took a deep breath of his cologne and tried to pretend like he could hold out forever.
He should. God, he knew he should.
But he’d never wanted anyone so much. He’d never felt like he’d met the right person at absolutely the wrong time.
Matty smiled, murmuring something about needing to get the mail, and Antoni almost leaned in and kissed him then.
But the kids were right there and he stepped back, grateful and disappointed at once.
The following morning, Antoni was fixing himself a second cup of coffee in the teachers’ lounge when Tabitha Alvarado sidled up to him with a smirk.
They were friends—or, work friends at least—and often ate lunches together and discussed curriculum and yeah, sometimes talked about their personal lives. Being the only two queer teachers in the school had made them gravitate toward each other.
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me you’re dating Matt Carlson?” she asked, blowing on her coffee.
“What?” Antoni blinked, nearly overfilling his own mug in his surprise. “What are you talking about?”
“I seriously can’t believe you let me find out from an article on JockGossip.”
“What?” he sputtered. “What the hell is JockGossip?”
“Oh, Antoni,” she said with a sigh, the same one everyone gave him when he was clueless about sports things. “Seriously?”
He shrugged. “Look, I’m hopeless. We know this.”
She shook her head, her brown eyes amused. “It’s a sports gossip page. You really think you’d know that since you’re dating an NHL player.”
“Uhhh.” Antoni managed a strangled noise of confusion. “Seriously. What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Oh my God. Hang on.”
She pulled out her phone, brought something up, then handed the device to him. “Here. Read.”
Matty Carlson Playing House with Local Schoolteacher?
Toronto Fisher Cats enforcer, Matt Carlson, was recently spotted in the park with a hot mystery man and four children ranging in age from pre-teen to infant.
A close source indicates that the man is prep school English teacher Antoni Bianchi, who has been spotted with Carlson in public recently.
Following the cozy park outing, Carlson was photographed with his arm around Bianchi as they returned to Carlson’s home, adding fuel to the speculation that the men are dating and, perhaps, living together.
Just friends or is something else heating up their late summer nights?
Since Carlson’s acrimonious divorce five years ago, he has not been romantically linked to anyone but rumors swirled of involvement with a man prior to the split.
Is the enforcer ready to “switch teams” for good?
When asked to comment on her ex’s sexuality, aspiring actress Courtney Quinn stated, “I don’t know why everyone is surprised. It’s not like it’s the first time he’s been with a man.”