“Nico Arents,” a blond guy said with a flirty little smile. “The best looking of the group, obviously. I’m a defenseman.”
Antoni chuckled and took a sip of his coffee. “Nice to meet you.”
“This is my fiancé, August Manning.”
A serious, dark-haired man lifted a hand in greeting. He was physically striking and his face totally transformed when he smiled. “Former referee. Currently coaching a U-13 team.”
Antoni nodded like he had a clue what U-13 was.
His gaze darted over to a handsome Asian man who gave him a warm smile. “Jonah Brewer.”
“And I’m Felix Hale,” the strawberry-blond fair-skinned guy next to him said. “We’re both defensemen. And engaged.”
“To each other,” Jonah added.
“Congrats?” Antoni managed.
They both grinned.
“I’m the other alternate,” Matty said with a grin. “But you already know me.”
“Yeah.” Antoni smiled, his unease melting away under the brightness of Matty’s warm smile. “So, hi, guys. Thanks for coming. This is really nice of you.”
Matty looked around. “Oh, this isn’t all of us. There are a few more guys on the way.”
“I’m not sure we actually have that much stuff for you to move,” Antoni admitted. They had the more important, sentimental belongings from Bethany and Corey’s place stashed in his parents’ attic for when the kids were older but for the most part, their furniture had been cheap pressboard crap or stuff scavenged from the side of the road or purchased from thrift stores. His own belongings had pretty much been the same.
When Matty’s face fell, Antoni hastily added, “But I guess that means it’ll go quickly. Uh, come on in, everyone.”
“It’s cool.” Matty flashed him a relieved smile. “Team bonding and good exercise and all that.”
“Well, I really appreciate it.” Antoni stepped back, allowing the guys to filter into the house.
“Where are the kids?” Matty asked. “I need baby snuggles before I do some heavy lifting.”
Antoni smiled. “Let me grab Reese. Just, uh, make yourselves at home, everyone.” He waved his hand toward the living room.
This house was way too small for that many big men but there was nothing Antoni could do about that so he fled for the kitchen and found Andrea bouncing a fussy-looking Reese.
“Hey. Uh, Matty brought half his team,” Antoni said under his breath. “So, I think this move should go pretty quick.”
“Holy shit,” Andrea said, handing Reese over. “I’ve gotta see this.”
Chuckling, Antoni followed Andrea into the living room where guys had already started carrying the stacked boxes outside.
“Hey,” Antoni said. “This is my brother Andrea. Unlike me, he’s a big hockey fan so I apologize if he makes an ass of himself.”
Andrea sputtered, “Look, our dad is like eight times worse,” as the guys laughed and greeted him.
“It’s true,” Antoni agreed, grinning as he handed Reese over to Matty.
“Hi, baby,” Matty said happily. “You’re coming to live with me. Did you know that?”
Squirming, Reese smacked him on the chin and babbled something.
Antoni glanced around, wondering where the other kids were. “Eli? River? Alexis?” he called out.
Eli slipped out from behind the crowd. “Hi,” they said, sounding a little shy as their gaze darted around the room. “I’m Eli.”