“No,” Antoni said. “When I called, Rob didn’t give me an exact date. Said he’d have to wait and see what was wrong with it and it might take a while to get parts. But—”
“But I can help. You’ve already said you don’t want to overtax your parents and I’m guessing your friends are either busy or not super reliable or you would have called one of them instead of me today.”
Antoni winced. “Both.”
Matty gave him an understanding smile. “I’ve been there. So, take the SUV. Please.” Matty gently grabbed Antoni’s free hand, pressing the keys into his palm and staring into his eyes. “Don’t think of it as something you owe me or whatever. I’m doing it for the kids, man. Because you have enough on your plate as it is and if I can help, I want to.”
“I …” Antoni’s face crumpled and all the fight went out of him. He pulled his hand away, clutching the keys. “Okay. Okay, yeah, I’ll borrow it until I have the van back.”
“Yes!” Matty fist pumped.
“But I … someday I’ll repay you, somehow.”
Matty stepped closer, looking down at Antoni’s worried face, wishing he could just pull him into his arms and hug him until the stress melted away. “Just take care of those sweet kiddos. That’s all the repayment I need.”
“Ugh. You’re seriously not normal,” Antoni said with a huff, turning away but not before Matty spotted tears in his eyes.
“True,” Matty agreed with a smile. “But it’s cool. Hockey players never are. You should meet some goaltenders though, man. They’d make me seem totally normal.”
Antoni muttered something under his breath too quietly for Matty to hear but he was smiling a little as he stuffed the keys in his jeans’ pocket. “Thanks.”
“Sure. Now, let me text a buddy to come pick me up and then I’ll help you get the kids inside.”
Antoni huffed again but didn’t argue.
The kids stared, wide-eyed, when Matty opened the door of the SUV.
“Why were you fighting?” Eli asked as they slid out of the vehicle.
“We weren’t fighting.” Matty smiled reassuringly at them. “Just talking. Your, uh, Uncle Antoni is stubborn. But I’m stubborner.”
“It’s more stubborn,” Eli said. “That’s what my teacher tells me.”
Matty nodded. “Thanks! I’ll try to remember that. I bet you’re really good in school.”
“Yep! I read a lot.”
Matty smiled as Eli did a little twirl, heading toward the house.
They were cute, with messy wavy light brown hair that fell to their chin. They wore a polo shirt and a skirt with leggings and light-up sneakers and when Matty glanced over at Antoni, he wore a soft smile as he watched Eli dance up the sidewalk toward the house.
Matty grabbed his phone, then shot off a text message to Dom asking for a ride. He sounded confused but when Matty sent the address, he said he’d be there as soon as possible. He could text anyone on the team and they’d be there if they could but pretty much everyone else was in a relationship and Matty felt bad interrupting their couple time.
Matty helped Antoni get the kids unbuckled and into the house.
He stood awkwardly in the doorway, feeling too big for the cramped space when Alexis brushed past him and River tipped over, bumping into his knee as she tried to get off her shoes.
“Easy there,” Matty said, carefully steadying her.
She shot him a wide-eyed glance as if suddenly realizing who he was but he felt happy when she gave him a tiny little smile before scampering off.
“Thanks again,” Antoni said and Matty glanced over, realizing they were alone except for Reese, who seemed content in his carrier. “Seriously.”
“Yeah, you’re welcome. Any time.” Matty stuck his hands in his back pockets. “Um, want me to wait outside until Dom gets here?”
“What?” Antoni frowned. “No, it looks like it’s going to rain. You should wait in here.”
Matty peered through the narrow window of the door at the skies turning gray. “Huh. Guess so.”