“I appreciate it,” Antoni said. “And we’d love to have you over for dinner sometime.”
“I’d like that.” He gave Antoni a fleeting smile, then turned away, disappearing into the house.
When Antoni slipped into the house, he spotted Matty dancing with Nico, who was DJ-ing the party.
As Antoni approached, Nico did something on his phone, then fumbled for a knob on his turntable. The music stopped abruptly.
“Hey!” Jordan called out. “What happened?”
Nico cackled. “You’ve gotta hear this. I have some great news.”
“Yeah, what is it?” Matty asked, sidling closer.
“Your ex, Courtney, she got fired from the TV show she’s on,” Nico said, loud enough for everyone to hear.
Antoni stepped closer, taking Matty’s hand.
“Shit,” Matty said. “What happened?”
“Well, this is the headline from the gossip site: Career Over? Courtney Quinn Digs in Following Recent Controversy Over Anti-LGBTQ+ Comments. The articles talks about all of the horrible stuff she posted on social media lately and that she just dug herself further into the hole talking about how she’s being unfairly canceled.” Nico mimed crying. “Oh, boo-hoo. I feel so sorry for her.”
“Shiiit,” Matty repeated, wincing.
“Sounds like she got what she deserved to me,” Dom said, raising a glass.
Most of the guys on the team, and a few of the SAPs, raised their glasses too. “I’ll second that,” Dustin called out.
“Aww, no,” Matty said. “I’d rather she learn from it.”
“Matty,” Antoni said, cupping his face in his hands. “You are the nicest human ever. But I agree with the guys. Good riddance to bad rubbish.”
Several people cheered.
“Alright! I just wanted to share the good news, fam,” Nico said with a laugh. “Now, let’s get this party started again!”
He cranked up the music again and in no time, the party was rocking.
“You really aren’t just a tiny bit glad to hear Courtney got what she deserved?” Antoni asked, winding his arms around Matty’s neck.
Matty gave him a sheepish grin. “Maybe just a little.”
Laughing, Antoni kissed him. “C’mon, big guy. Let’s say goodbye to our friends and go home and celebrate alone.”
Matty’s grin widened. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”
The following morning, Matty awoke to a throbbing headache and what felt like a thousand pounds weighing him down.
He groaned and pressed his face against Antoni’s neck.
“Too early,” he muttered.
“Nope, it’s time to wake up!” The cheerful voice did not belong to Antoni or one of the kids, and Matty lifted his head, squinting.
He blinked at the sight of Charlie grinning at him from the foot of the bed. He glanced over to see Dustin sprawled across his legs. Oh, that was the weight pinning him down.
Still didn’t explain the headache though. Though, maybe Charlie’s delicious drinks at the Halloween party last night were to blame for that.
Matty rubbed his eyes. “Umm, guys? What are you doing here?”