Matty squeezed his hand, his expression soft and understanding.
Catherine gave him a sympathetic look. “Would you like to share more about why you’ve been so adamant about preventing the Swansons from having custody or even visitation with the kids?”
Antoni took a deep breath. “Yes. But I’m going to let Eli do that in their own words. They recorded a statement about their experience. Matty and I were hesitant to share it publicly but Eli begged us to let them do this. They want people to know what kids like them go through.”
Tad nodded at the producer to play the recording and Antoni gripped Matty’s hand more tightly.
“My name is Eli Swanson and I am ten years old. I’m non-binary and I use they/them pronouns. If you don’t know what that means, I’ll explain. It means I don’t feel like just a boy or a girl. I feel like a mix of both and it’s different every day. Sometimes I have boy days, sometimes I have girl days. Sometimes I have both days. I like to show that in the way I dress. But not everyone is okay with that. Sometimes kids at school say mean things. Sometimes they tell me I’m wrong for being who I am. But my mom and dad—they taught me that I’m okay just the way I am. And Papa Matty and Babbo Antoni think so too.”
Antoni smiled, his eyes watering again. He and Eli had sat down and talked about all of the different things that Eli could call him before settling on the Italian word for father.
His Nonna Bianchi would heartily approve.
The recording of Eli continued. “My Grandma and Grandpa Swanson told me that I’m wrong. That I was born a boy and that’s the only way I can be. They tried to make me look and act like a boy—they cut my hair and chopped up my dress—I was so scared but my sister Alexis called my Mom and Dad and they came to get me. They said I’d never have to see Grandma and Grandpa again. They said that they’d protect me. They’re gone now—” Eli’s voice wobbled but they kept going. “But they asked Babbo Antoni to take care of me. And he and Papa Matty are doing that. I don’t want to live with my grandparents. I don’t want to live anywhere but with Papa and Babbo and my sisters and brother. I want to be a part of a family who loves me just the way I am.”
For a moment, there was only silence and then Tad cleared his throat. “That was powerful to hear. How does that make you feel?”
Matty sniffled. “Like I’d do anything to protect them.”
“It sounds like you already did that,” Tad said with a small wry smile.
“I did.” Matty sighed. “And like I said, I don’t regret standing up for Eli. But I also want to show the kids that there are better ways to stand up for someone. That it’s better to use your words—”
“Even on the ice?” Tad laughed.
Matty chuckled. “Hockey is a little different. It’s a physical sport and I’m not going to stop fighting to protect my teammates. But that’s why there are rules about what’s allowed and what isn’t.”
Catherine asked, “Antoni, do you have any trouble reconciling what you see Matty do on the ice and what you see him do at home?”
“Not really,” Antoni said, smiling at Matty. “At first, yeah, it was strange to me. But I understand him better now. He’s a knight. A protector.”
“Has he been your knight in shining armor, then?” Catherine pressed.
“Yes,” Antoni said, his heart full of love. “He certainly has.”
“How do you feel?” Matty asked as they left the studio a while later, hand in hand.
“Emotionally drained,” Antoni said with a tired smile. “But good. I’m glad we did this. It was good to get our story out there. Kate was right.”
“Mmm. She usually is,” Matty said, chuckling.
“Good to know.”
“It meant a lot what you said in there,” Matty said, slowing to a stop when they reached the van. “About what I’ve done for you and the kids.”
Antoni turned to face him. “I meant every word.”
“I know.”
“Matty, I …” Antoni bit his lip. “I need to tell you something.”
“This isn’t where you break up with me, right?” Matty shot him a wary look. Because, God, he’d had too many terrible conversations in his life that started that way.
“No!” Antoni protested. “God, no. This is pretty much the opposite of that, actually.”
“Yeah? We’re already married. I’m not sure what else there is,” Matty teased.
Antoni chuckled a little, then swallowed, loud enough for Matty to hear. “There’s me telling you that I love you.”