“Well, I’ll try to help you with both then.” Charlie’s glossy vibrant pink lips curled up in a warm smile.
“Thank you. I’m really so appreciative. You’ve been amazing.”
Charlie beamed and Antoni took a moment to study Charlie’s face. He was so lovely. Inside and out and Antoni was suddenly achingly grateful to have someone to help him navigate this weird situation.
He wasn’t used to being in the public eye and he didn’t know how all of the SAPs handled it.
He glanced over at Elena and Kayla and August and Birdie and some of the other spouses and partners. He had a lot of people willing to help, actually.
Despite the stress about Matty being gone more and the nagging worries about the custody issue and what the Swansons would do, there was a spark of excitement in Antoni about what his future would hold. About what all of the possibilities were.
“So what happens now?” Antoni asked curiously. “When does the game start?”
Charlie laughed. “Eager to see your man again, huh?”
Antoni laughed, shrugging because it was both true and a little embarrassing to admit. “Matty’s, uh … he looks pretty great out there,” he managed.
He looked so big and strong and competent and God did Antoni like it.
Charlie grinned like he could tell exactly what he was thinking. “He sure does. Wait until you see him fight.”
“Oh, I’m not much of one for fighting,” Antoni protested with a wrinkle of his nose.
“Mmhmm. That’s what they all say. And then they watch a hockey fight and all of a sudden …” Charlie lifted one perfectly sculpted brow meaningfully. “Honey, if you don’t jump him after, it’ll be a miracle.”
“Yeah, but I might do that without a fight,” Antoni admitted.
Charlie’s eyes sparkled. “Oh, so it’s like that, huh?”
“Yeah.” Antoni sighed. “Matty’s …”
“Oh I bet he is. Let me guess, he’s passionate, sweet, and very attentive to you?”
“He sure is.” Antoni’s body heated at the memory of the way Matty had gone down on him early this morning, sucking him slowly while he fingered him to a toe-curling orgasm he’d had to bite his arm to muffle.
“Well, good for you, honey,” Charlie said, beaming. “Everyone should be as lucky as I am.”
Charlie’s smile turned a little smug. “Trust me, I always miss Dustin when he’s gone and I can’t wait to welcome him home when he’s back.”
“How do you handle the time apart?” Antoni asked with a frown. “I’ve never—I’ve never been with anyone who travels like these guys do.”
“Mmm, it sucks but we make do. Phone calls and video chats when we’re able. Really great toys when we’re not.” Charlie winked.
August leaned over Charlie to speak to Matty, “It’s going to be strange having Nico gone. We’ve hardly been apart for a single night since his accident.”
Antoni winced. “Wow, that would be tough.”
“It is difficult when they’re away,” Elena said behind him. “And not just because the bed feels lonely.”
Antoni turned to look at her. “Yeah?”
“Yes.” She shifted her daughter to her other hip. “There is so much you must manage alone. So much that falls on your shoulders.”
“Is it worth it?” Antoni asked.
“For me? Yes. I love Antosha—Anton—and our life together is good. We have beautiful children and a good life but it is still hard. I would be lying if I said otherwise. I had to give up my dreams to do it.”