“No worries.” Matty’s smile was easy. “I’m okay with going back in the bedroom.”
The waggle of his eyebrows made Antoni laugh.
“Tempting. I feel like I should be doing something though,” Antoni admitted. “I’m not used to having free time. I swear I used to have things I did for fun before but …”
Matty gave him a lopsided smile. “Well, we could play tennis, then lift a few weights, if you want.”
“Sure, that sounds fun.”
“Really?” Matty looked delighted. “Do you play?”
“Tennis?” Antoni shrugged. “It’s been a little while but yeah, definitely. Bethany played in high school and college and she taught me. We used to go to the local park and play. Though the more kids she had, the harder that got.”
Which he definitely understood now.
Before the accident, he’d semi-regularly played racquetball at the gym and had gotten into pickleball, so he wasn’t totally rusty. Although he felt a sharp pang of missing Bethany as he thought about playing tennis again, it would be nice to get back to it.
Matty clapped his hands together. “Yeah, c’mon, let’s do it. I’ve got rackets and balls around here somewhere.”
It was a crisp, cool autumn day and Antoni enjoyed the crunch of leaves under his feet as they crossed the yard to the newly resurfaced court.
Antoni wasn’t surprised that Matty was good at tennis. Aside from Matty’s general athleticism and fitness, he had a ferocious backswing and a pretty accurate serve. Antoni scrambled to catch up.
Matty won the first couple of games but Antoni won the next as he got into the rhythm of it. They had agreed to a ‘best of three sets wins the match’ rules at the beginning but after Antoni won two of the three sets, Matty begged him for a rematch.
“I haven’t played in a while,” he protested. “I’m warming up.”
“I haven’t either! I think you’re a sore loser,” Antoni teased, bouncing the ball in his left hand.
“Totally,” Matty grinned.
“Fine, best of five?” Antoni countered.
Matty won the next set, crowing triumphantly about it and running around to Antoni’s side of the net to kiss him in celebration.
“I’d watch a lot more tennis on TV if all sets ended this way,” Antoni teased, a little breathless after the toe-curling kiss.
“At the rate hockey players in the league are coming out, we’re probably going to start that trend for pro sports first,” Matty said, smacking his butt before jogging back to his side of the court.
“Hey now! I better not catch you making out with your opponents!” Antoni called out. “We’re married, or have you forgotten already?”
Matty grinned, then shuddered. “Eww. Trust me, I’m not getting my lips anywhere near Luke Crawford or Dallas Sutton.”
“Are there other guys you do want to kiss?” Antoni shot back.
“Nah. Just you, baby.” Matty winked.
Antoni pointed his racket at Matty. “Right answer, mister. Now, are you ready to go?”
Matty palmed his cock. “Oh yeah.”
Antoni snickered.
Matty was such a sweetheart and a gentleman most of the time that Antoni tended to forget he was also a horny athlete who’d spent his entire life in locker rooms with what Antoni had to imagine was an innuendo-laced environment.
“Save it for later!” Antoni teased. “I’ve gotta beat you at tennis first.”