Page 10 of The Home Game

“You’ve been so nice,” Antoni said sincerely. “Really. The food, the offer … it’s so generous. I just can’t move in here. I had a rough afternoon and you saw me at my lowest but I’ll keep searching. I’ll find a good house for all of us if I try hard enough.”

He had to believe it was possible or he’d never get up in the morning again.

“Yeah, of course. I get it. And good luck, man, honestly. I hope you do find a place. And soon. You’re a good dad and the kids are lucky to have you.”

Antoni felt a little pang in his chest at the kind words.

Corey would always be Alexis, Eli, River, and Reese’s dad but Antoni wanted to believe that someday maybe they’d think of him as being a second father. But however they thought of him, he wanted to be good for them.

He wanted them to grow up healthy, happy, and knowing they were loved, just like his friends would have wanted.

“Thanks,” Antoni whispered.

There was little more to say after that so Antoni made his excuses, not arguing when Matty pressed the bag of food into his hands. “For the kids. Please, let me,” he said, brown eyes painfully sincere and hopeful.

Antoni’s resolve to say no weakened. “Thanks,” he whispered, taking the bag. The kids would enjoy the food and well, if it saved him some money …

Matty was quiet as he walked Antoni out to the van. The garage door lifted quietly, such a contrast to the loud whining screech at the place he rented.

Antoni got into the van, muttering a prayer under his breath that it would start. He just needed it to hold on a while longer. He’d be due for a raise at work next year which would help, but it needed to last at least until then.

Thankfully, the engine finally chugged to life and he let out a relieved breath.

The van window was open and Matty hooked his hands on the edge of the door, drumming his fingers against it. “Look, just … can I give you my phone number?”

Antoni blinked, frowning. “For what?”

“Just in case of an emergency. Or if you change your mind about the offer to move in. There’s the guest house in the backyard.” His expression was hopeful.

“I’m not gonna change my mind,” Antoni said firmly. “I can do this.”

“Hey, it’s not you I’m doubting,” Matty answered with a little smile. “Just the Toronto housing market.”

Antoni had to smile back at that. “Fair. And look, you’re sweet but—”

“Will you take my number?” Matty pleaded. “Please. Just … what if there was an emergency with the kids and you needed help? I’d feel bad if you didn’t know you could call me.”

“Why do you care?” Antoni asked, flabbergasted. His friends gave less of a shit than this near stranger did.

Matty shrugged. “I dunno. It just seems like the right thing to do. And when I think of those sweet kiddos …”

Now Matty looked like he might cry and oh God, Antoni would never survive seeing this big, sweet man breaking down.

“Okay. Hang on.” He dug out his phone, unlocked it, then handed it over. “Put your number in.”

“Thanks,” Matty said when Antoni was done and had passed the phone back. He actually looked relieved. Who the fuck was this guy?

“Thanks for everything,” Antoni said, buckling his seatbelt. “You really made a bad day better.”

“Yeah, any time.” Matty stepped back, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “And call me if you change your mind or need anything or—or even if you just need someone to talk to.”

“Thanks,” Antoni said, putting the van in reverse, planning to delete Matty’s number as soon as he got home. He didn’t want to be tempted by that. He had to be strong and do this on his own. Bethany and Corey had believed he could handle the responsibility and he would. Whatever it took, he’d do it. “It was nice meeting you, Matty.”

As Antoni pulled away, he glanced back at the enormous house and saw Matty waving from the garage.

For a big man, he did look awfully small and lonely there all by himself.