Page 49 of The Home Game

Antoni was still shaking his head when he reached Alexis’ room.

The walls were a bold Kelly green and there was a black and white striped comforter paired with black and white polka-dot sheets. Bright pops of vivid pink were scattered around and there was a big Fisher Cats poster on one wall.

Fisher Cats … black, white, and green … Antoni put the pieces together and smiled. Charlie had created a Fisher Cats themed room in the most stylish way possible. Perfect for a teenage girl who loved hockey but not overly feminine or sports-y.

“Oh my God, look at this place, Uncle Antoni,” Alexis said, hugging a plush animal to her chest. It kinda looked like an angry ferret but Antoni assumed it was a fisher cat. “Look at my room.”

“Do you like it?” Antoni asked, hoping she wasn’t mad she hadn’t personalized it herself. With Alexis, it was hard to tell what her reaction would be.

“It’s perfect.” Her eyes shone as a smile lit up her face. She looked happier than she had in months.

Any remaining protest Antoni might have about the outrageous amount of effort and money that had gone into these designs immediately died on his lips.

The kids all loved their rooms. And if it made their transition to a new home easier? Well, who was Antoni to argue?

“Thank you,” he said again, voice a little thick with emotion as he turned to face Charlie and Matty. “I … don’t have the words to tell you what this means to me. To all of us.”

“Welcome home,” Charlie said as he gave Antoni a hug. “And welcome to the Fisher Cats. You’re one of ours now.”


After all of Antoni’s and the kids’ belongings were moved in and mostly unpacked, everyone met in the living room. Antoni made a nice speech to the guys, thanking them for their help today and got a hug from most of the guys and a slap on the arm from Dominic.

But his suspicious friend aside, Matty was happy with how the day had gone. And it was only noon.

Antoni was now snuggled up on the couch with River and a couple of the guys were playing with Reese on the floor.

Alexis was talking to Jonah about something hockey-related, Andrea was in a deep discussion with August about refereeing, and it made Matty feel a sense of rightness to see his new friends and his teammates get along.

This was how this house was supposed to feel. Warm and full of people.

It was like something clicked into place deep inside him. Like this was the life he was supposed to have.

“Okay, who’s up for some pizza?” Matty said as he rubbed his hands together.

“Oh hel—heck yes,” Felix said. “I love your homemade pizza.”

Antoni looked up. “You make your own pizza?”

“Sure,” Matty said. “Charlie started it though.”

Charlie smiled. “My bestie—Taylor—he and I started making homemade pizza together a few years ago. And we started doing it as a team last season.”

“And I have a pizza oven in the backyard,” Matty said with a shrug. “So it’s pretty easy.”

“Want help?” Antoni asked, straightening. “I feel like that’s the least I can do after all you’ve done for us today.”

“I thought you could only cook ten things,” Matty teased.

Antoni shot him a lopsided grin. “True. But I’m good at learning.”

“Okay,” Matty said, holding a hand out to help him up. “C’mon then. I’ll teach the teach.”

Antoni rolled his eyes but he took Matty’s hand and let him pull him to his feet. He must not have been anticipating Matty’s strength though because he stumbled forward, bumping into Matty’s chest.

“Sorry,” he said with a laugh.

“No worries.” Matty steadied him. “Maybe don’t go so hard on the root beer though.”