“Yeah, I’d much rather have had Bethany and Corey move to another city that’s for dam—darn sure,” Antoni said with a sigh, mindful of the baby sleeping on his chest and the kids running around them. He smoothed down Reese’s hair. It was coming in thicker now, more than a little wispy tuft of blond. “But sometimes I also think that I wouldn’t have—wouldn’t have moments like this if I hadn’t lost them and …”
Charlie shifted, leaning in, gaze understanding. “Grief is strange,” he said. “I haven’t lost people in that way but I have had to remove people from my life and that’s its own sort of grief. But sometimes grief brings new beauty into your life and then you wonder if—if you’re a terrible person for being grateful for the loss.”
Antoni’s eyes stung. “Exactly.”
“But you’re not terrible,” Charlie said earnestly. “You’re grieving and doing your best. And those kids … they’re lucky to have you.”
“I’m lucky to have them too,” Antoni admitted. “It’s given me purpose, you know? Something to focus on instead of just mourning the loss.”
Charlie looked him in the eye. “That’s good. But if I’m not overstepping, I’d like to offer some advice.”
“Sure,” Antoni said, willing to hear Charlie out at least.
“Don’t forget to take care of yourself while you’re busy taking care of them. Let us help with the kids so you don’t neglect your own well-being in the process.”
“Thank you, I’ll try,” Antoni said. “It means a lot to me that you care and that you’re offering. I’ll do my best to take you up on that. Honestly, until Matty came, I barely felt like I was able to breathe. And now that he’s getting so busy again … I … well, I guess I’m a little scared I’m going to slide back into that again, you know?”
Charlie nodded. “The season can be rough. But you’re not alone, Antoni. You really do have dozens of people who care and are willing to help out.” He gestured around the room. “So when you need it, let us be your lungs so you can keep breathing.”
Antoni smiled at the poetic turn of phrase. “Thank you, Charlie. I really appreciate that.”
“Of course, sweetie.” Charlie sidled a little closer and lowered his voice. “Now, tell me this, is Matty’s ass as incredible as I’ve been imagining?”
Antoni laughed, loud enough to make several people glance over and for Reese to start fussing. Antoni patted his back and spoke softly. “Uhh, yes. It is. But I feel like mayyybe this isn’t the time and place to go into that.”
“Fair,” Charlie said, his eyes sparkling as he straightened. “How about we figure out some babysitting for you so we can meet up for brunch one of these days?”
“I’d love that,” Antoni said with a smile, charmed by Charlie’s warmth and friendliness. “I really would.”
“Good. Now, in the meantime, what can we do to help with your custody suit?”
Antoni blinked, fear flooding through him. Shit. Did Charlie know the truth?
But before Antoni could figure out if that meant Charlie knew about the marriage of convenience that he and Matty had, Nico plopped down, practically in Charlie’s lap.
“Hey, gorgeous, get out of my spot. I was about to ask Antoni about Matty’s ass,” Nico teased, passing the bottle over to Antoni. “See, I even brought bribes.”
Charlie scoffed. “You’re too slow, Nico. I already got him to agree to brunch with me to dish the dirty deets.” Charlie’s look was smug. “And I didn’t even have to bribe him.”
Nico gave him an outraged look. “You—that’s not fair. I already had him primed. You horned in the opportunity I was already working.”
Antoni laughed as they started squabbling with each other, noticing the way Dustin and August both glanced over with fond and amused smiles.
While the guys were distracted, Antoni did a quick scan to check on the kids.
River was still splashing in the shallow end of the pool with the other children. Alexis was still playing golf with Jonah and Colton had been replaced by Jordan. Eli was busy inhaling their second—or maybe third?—burger of the day and talking a mile at minute at Felix, Birdie, and Colton about some random thing or other.
Antoni was pretty sure the recent increase in appetite meant Eli was due for a growth spurt. At one point Antoni would have cringed at what it would cost to feed and clothe Eli but now, well, now that Matty had made sure they had joint accounts and Antoni wasn’t paying rent anymore, he didn’t exactly have to worry about money.
He'd put his van up for sale too.
Rob had finished it earlier this week and Matty had told him to keep the SUV permanently. When Antoni had asked what he’d be driving, Matty had said that he’d been offered a second sponsorship offer from the dealership.
The only catch was that Antoni had to be in the commercial and they had to talk about how safe the vehicle was for the kids. And Antoni had to do most of the talking.
After discussing it with his mom, Antoni agreed to do the commercial. At this point, all he could do was feel grateful for how generous Matty and everyone else was. He’d only be hurting himself and the kids if he clung to his stubborn insistence on everything being completely fair and equal.
Matty had done everything to he could prove what a great guy he was and this team was … God, they were fantastic.