He listened intently as Matty kept talking, explaining how all four rounds worked. They had demolished about half the food by the time he finished.
“You done?” Matty asked, gesturing to the tray.
Antoni nodded. “Yeah. So to win the Stanley Cup, you have to win all four rounds?” he asked, hoping he finally had it straight.
Matty moved the tray onto the dresser. “Yep.”
“So, who won the first round we had?” Antoni teased.
Matty grinned and climbed on the bed again, topping off their glasses. “Felt like we both won, to be honest.”
“Didn’t feel like a loser point at all,” Antoni said with a smile, taking the glass. It had probably lost most of its bubbles but oh well.
Matty held out his glass. “Definitely seems like a win to me.”
Antoni clinked. “Me too.”
After a few sips of wine, they set them aside on the nightstand, drifting together in the center of the bed.
Stretched out on their sides, they kissed again, slower and lazier this time. Antoni roamed his hands across Matty’s chest, enjoying the firm muscles and the light tickle of hair against his palms.
Matty slid his hands along Antoni’s back, reaching down to cup and squeeze his ass occasionally but never going further.
Eventually, Antoni nudged Matty onto his back and used his lips and teeth to tease at Matty’s nipples. He was kind of obsessed with Matty’s response every time he did that. He was pretty sure no one had ever taken their time to see if Matty liked it.
“Shit, that’s good. I didn’t know they were, ah, that sensitive,” Matty said with a groan.
“I like that they are,” Antoni admitted, tweaking one with his fingertips and making Matty hiss. “But I want to explore the rest of you. Roll over. Please.”
“Okay.” Matty sounded agreeable as he rolled onto his stomach.
Antoni took a moment to drink the sight of him in, loving the width of his shoulders. But for all of Matty’s sturdiness in his arms, chest and thighs, from the back, he was narrow at the waist. From there, his ass curved into lush round globes that Antoni had been dying to get his hands on since they met.
“God, your ass …” Antoni sighed appreciatively, reaching out to skim his fingers across the skin. “How are you so …”
“Lots of glute workouts,” Matty said, his voice a little muffled by the pillow. “And, I guess just the way I’m built.”
“Well, I like it,” Antoni said appreciatively.
For a little while, he ran his hands across Matty’s back, smoothing his thumbs down his spine. Matty made a happy little noise so Antoni kept going, dropping kisses here and there, flicking his tongue out to taste the faint salt of Matty’s skin.
He kneaded Matty’s ass and thighs, mesmerized by the sheer strength of his body.
Spying the box of chocolates on the nightstand, he stretched out to whisper in Matty’s ear, “You mind if I try something?”
“What’d you have in mind?” Matty asked, sounding dozy and content, his eyes closed, his face mashed into the pillow.
Antoni dropped a kiss to his cheek. “Eating chocolate off your body.”
Matty’s eyes opened, face lighting up with interest. “Only if you save enough for me to do the same to you.”
“Deal.” Antoni snagged the box and grabbed one of the ones with liquid centers. He bit into it, cracking it open. Before it could spill into his mouth, he pulled it away, letting the sugary, boozy syrup trickle across Matty’s back.
Matty shivered, but he didn’t protest when Antoni nestled the chocolate shell in the hollow of his back. Antoni licked his fingers, then started at the top, lapping at the sticky liquid. He was rewarded with a low groan from Matty, so he kept going, alternating licks with gentle bites and sucking kisses.
Matty shifted on the bed, hips beginning to rock. Antoni smiled. “You like that?” he whispered.
“Mmhmm.” Matty sounded both content and turned on so Antoni kept going. It was messy, eating the chocolate from the small of Matty’s back, but it was worth it to hear the noises he made and see the way his ass flexed every time he rubbed his cock on the sheets.