“Yeah. Little bit.” Matty pressed his lips to his forehead.
Antoni shivered at the brush of his soft, short beard.
“Want anything?”
“Mmm.” Antoni took stock of how he felt. “Yeah, I could have a bite.”
“I’m gonna get us snacks then.”
Antoni opened his eyes to see Matty leaning in for a kiss. But before Antoni could pull him close and deepen the kiss, Matty smiled brightly and hopped to his feet.
He tugged on boxer briefs and Antoni got a few seconds to enjoy the sight of that glorious ass before he disappeared from view.
Antoni rolled onto his back and stretched, trying to remember the last time he’d felt so good.
He couldn’t stop smiling,
He glanced at the ring on his finger, his head spinning at how quickly everything had changed.
He was married now. Married to the sweetest, sexiest man alive, apparently.
Sex with someone new was usually awkward. Lots of fumbling and hesitation, trying to figure out how to read the other person. And sure, tonight there had been nerves. There had been for him at least. And since Matty didn’t have much experience with men, Antoni had to assume there were some for him too.
But it had been easy to read Matty’s expressions, easy to tell when he liked something or wanted more. Maybe there was something to be said about taking it slow and getting to know the other person first.
Antoni was used to sex right away, then getting to know a guy.
He and Matty had done everything upside down. Moved in together, become friends, got married, kissed, had sex …
Antoni glanced at the ring again. Wow. Yeah, it was still there. Wild.
He’d said ‘I Do’ and signed the license and it still seemed completely surreal. But hey, he couldn’t argue with the results.
He’d never felt better.
Maybe it was because he hadn’t had an orgasm with another person in five months or maybe it was that he felt so much more settled and secure, knowing that the kids would be safe.
Maybe it was knowing that he and Matty were in this together. A united front.
But probably, it was just Matty.
Who needed love when he had this?
Antoni shivered as the air kicked on, and decided that they should relocate to the bedroom. The basement was cold and they clearly weren’t going to pay much attention to the TV anyway.
Antoni glanced at the screen to see some totally tame scene with characters chatting in a coffee shop. He laughed softly at the idea that a Northdale Heights sex scene was what had finally broken the ice between him and Matty.
Smiling, Antoni found the remote to turn the TV off, then pulled on underwear and a hoodie. He spied his phone on the floor—it had probably fallen out of his pocket earlier—and snuck a peek at it.
His mom had told him that if there was anything urgent, she’d call. Otherwise, she’d send him a few texts throughout the weekend with updates on how the kids were doing. But mostly, she’d admonished him to relax and not worry about them.
Not worrying was pretty much impossible but the pictures of Reese and River sleeping and Eli reading while Alexis and his father watched hockey on TV put his mind at ease.
Antoni frowned, confused. Obviously, the season hadn’t started yet so they must be watching an old game or something. With a shrug, he decided that since the kids were safe and happy, he should enjoy the rest of his night with Matty.
Tucking the box of chocolate under his arm, Antoni picked up the rest of the discarded clothes and juggled the glasses and Champagne as he carried them up the stairs, belatedly realizing he should have taken two trips.