“Then c’mon,” Antoni said, tugging at Matty’s tee. “Take this off for me.”
When the shirt had joined the hoodie on the carpeted floor, Antoni pressed a kiss to his throat, across his collarbone, then down his chest.
When Antoni grazed his teeth across Matty’s pec, he groaned.
“Yeah?” Antoni whispered.
“It’s good,” Matty said because he didn’t have the words to say anything else. He liked the way Antoni seemed sure of himself and what he wanted. Liked the way he took his time, as if he wanted to learn every inch of Matty’s body.
“Good.” The tickle of Antoni’s warm breath on Matty’s nipple made him shiver.
He grumbled when Antoni sat up but he stopped complaining when Antoni stripped off the Fisher Cats hoodie.
Matty liked the look of his sweatshirt on Antoni, but he liked it even better when it and the T-shirt were gone and Antoni was bare from the waist up.
Still straddling Matty’s hips, Antoni trailed his fingertips across Matty’s shoulders, mapping out his tattoos and sliding across his muscles like he was memorizing every inch of them.
When Matty hummed at the touch, it made Antoni smile.
“You like that too, huh?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Matty said with a sigh. Honestly, he was pretty sure he’d like anything Antoni did. But he really liked the way Antoni looked at him, eyes full of warm appreciation.
He trailed his hands down Matty’s sides, making him shiver, and when he shifted to kneel between Matty’s thighs and reached for the waistband of Matty’s sweats, Matty’s breathing went shallow.
“This okay?” Antoni looked up, his eyes big and dark and a little concerned now.
Matty looked—really looked at him in a way he hadn’t let himself do until now—tracing each little curl of Antoni’s dark hair, the shape of his face, the length of his eyelashes. He was so beautiful.
“Yeah,” Matty said gruffly, touching his cheek. “Just … you’re so gorgeous. I can’t believe you want me.”
“Can’t believe … Matty, you’re incredible.” He leaned forward, pressing his lips to Matty’s hipbone.
Matty shivered.
“You’re so sexy.” Antoni kissed his stomach, soft, barely there touches of his lips as he grasped Matty’s hips. “Your body is incredible. Every part of it.”
“Yeah?” Matty asked, swallowing thickly.
“I wouldn’t change a single thing about you,” Antoni whispered. “Your body, the hair on your chest, your belly, the tattoos, your smile … I want every inch of you.”
Matty tangled his hand in Antoni’s hair. “I’m yours.”
Antoni breathed in, a short, sharp little inhale, and for a brief second Matty wondered if he’d been a little too honest.
And then Antoni was fumbling with Matty’s sweats, shoving them and his underwear down to his ankles, then off onto the floor.
He licked his lips, staring blatantly at Matty’s cock like he was starving for it, and Matty shivered with anticipation. But Antoni didn’t immediately grab for him. Instead, he bent his head and lapped at his nipple again, toying with the other one with his fingers.
Matty’s skin tingled as Antoni dragged his tongue along Matty’s pec, moving his hand lower, gently stroking his belly, his sides, down over his hip …
Arching into the touch, Matty held his breath, hoping to feel Antoni’s hand or mouth on his cock, but he moved lower, smoothing down his thighs. He kept using his teeth and tongue and lips to explore Matty’s body and it made him moan louder. Matty loved that Antoni took his time, loved the way it made his skin heat and every inch of him feel sensitive.
Matty cried out when Antoni lapped at his hip, then blew a cool breath across it. “Antoni,” he pleaded, tugging at his hair a little, and he laughed softly, pressing a kiss there, his cheek brushing Matty’s cock.
Matty hissed. He was already hard and he sighed with relief when Antoni finally wrapped a hand around him.
“Let me suck you,” Antoni pleaded, looking up with his big, beautiful dark eyes, and Matty almost laughed because Antoni made it sound like he’d say no. But he was so ready for it he could already feel the wetness at the tip.