Laughing, Antoni followed. Once they got past this initial awkwardness, this was going to be fine.
Better than fine. Good.
Because if nothing else, he and Matty were friends.
A short while later, Antoni stood in the kitchen, staring at a note from his mother. Matty’s arm pressed against his as they read the letter and Antoni tried to ignore the tingle in his body at having Matty so close.
Enjoy the Champagne and chocolates! Love, Mom
p.s. Champagne is in the refrigerator and check the cupboard to the left of it for the chocolates.
“I feel like this is going to turn into a scavenger hunt,” Antoni said, chuckling. “She really did a lot of planning for this wedding. I was just gonna show up at city hall and call it good.”
“It’s nice,” Matty said in a thoughtful tone. “They care a lot about you.”
“They do,” Antoni agreed. He shifted to look Matty in the eye. “I’m sorry your parents couldn’t be here.”
“Nah, it’s okay. They’re not people who enjoy travel. I don’t take it personally. I see them in the summer when I go home but they’re pretty content where they are and that’s okay.”
A funny little jolt went through Antoni as he wondered if that meant he and the kids would travel with Matty to visit them next year.
“Well, you’re gonna see a lot of my family,” Antoni said with a laugh to cover the awkwardness. “Probably even more than you already have. Hope it’s not too much.”
“No. They’re great.” Matty’s tone was warm and affectionate as he reached for the refrigerator door handle and pulled out the bottle of Champagne. “I like them a lot.”
“That’s good. They like you too,” Antoni said, opening the cupboard that held fancy glasses neither of them had touched since Antoni moved in.
Matty said. “Hey, do you want anything besides Champagne and chocolate or …?”
“Nah. I’m still full from dinner. You can grab anything you want though.”
Matty shut the refrigerator door. “I’m good. This will be fine.”
After they carried everything downstairs. Antoni watched Matty uncork the Champagne and pour it, trying to ignore the way those big hands made the bottle look comically small.
And the way the sight made heat pool in his belly.
“So, what are we drinking to?” Antoni asked, holding out his glass.
“Protecting Eli.”
“Perfect.” Smiling, Antoni gently clicked glasses with Matty and took a sip, enjoying the tickle of bubbles flowing across his tongue.
“And to us,” Matty said, his gaze locked on Antoni’s.
Antoni swallowed hard, surprised by the sudden shift in mood. “Yeah,” he whispered. “To us.”
They enjoyed a few sips of the Champagne before Matty cued up the next episode of their favorite show.
They were a few minutes into it when Matty lifted his arm to drape along the back of the couch behind Antoni and said, “Hey, so I was thinking maybe we should get used to um, being close. To make this look legit and all. “
Antoni raised an eyebrow. “You just want an excuse to cuddle.”
Matty grinned. “Busted.”
Laughing, Antoni slid a little closer, letting his hip and thigh press against Matty’s. “Yeah, we can cuddle.”