“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Felix said under his breath as they walked toward the elevators. “You seem a little rattled. If you want separate rooms, we can do that. I mean, it might look a little weird but you heard what Grady said. People will believe anything if we say it’ll fuck up our game routines and we don’t want to risk it right before playoffs.”
“No, it’s fine.” Jonah’s tense shoulders dropped. “Honestly. I don’t know why I was being weird about it in the first place. I was just surprised, I guess. Not like we’ve never shared a bed before though, right?”
“True.” Felix smiled. “And at least you won’t have to worry about nightmares if I’m there.”
“Just the nightmare of tangling with Montreal tomorrow.” Jonah pushed the number for their floor.
Felix chuckled. “There’s that.”
The elevator beeped, signaling that they’d arrived and Felix followed Jonah into the hallway. Their room was about halfway down and Jonah scanned the card in the reader, then pushed open the door. Felix followed him inside, flipping on the light.
The room contained a dresser, a desk, a couple of chairs, and a king-size bed.
“So, this is home sweet home for the next few days,” Jonah said with a sigh as he wheeled his luggage so it was out of the way.
“Yep,” Felix said. “You want to shower first or should I?”
“You can,” Jonah said. “I want to call and check in on Grandma.”
“Of course. Keep me updated?” Felix unzipped his bag and pulled out his belongings.
“Will do, roomie.”
Felix shot a look at him, snickering. “God you’re such a dweeb.”
“Okay, like you’re any better,” Jonah shot back.
They squabbled playfully as Felix hung his game day suits in the closet, then stripped off the clothes he’d been traveling in.
It didn’t really occur to him that maybe he should do that in the bathroom until Jonah stumbled over his words.
Felix glanced over in time to see Jonah look away, busying himself with plugging in his phone. But it looked odd, like he was trying too hard or something, and a wash of unease went through Felix.
He’d spent so many years stripping off in locker rooms that he never thought twice about getting naked in front of Jonah or any of his teammates.
He’d never felt uncomfortable with it, even when he knew a bunch of guys on the team were into men. When he played for Vancouver, someone had asked him about it shortly after Noah Boucher came out.
“It’s weird, right?” his teammate had asked. “Getting naked in front of some guy who might be checking out your junk?”
Someone else had started to agree but Felix had chirped the first guy that no one—male or female—wanted to see his junk.
It had lightened the mood in the room, dissipating the uncomfortable tension. Felix had found that humor and acting like they were the one making it weird was usually the best way to handle homophobia or sexism or racism or any of those other hot-button topics.
But now, Felix was suddenly very aware of Jonah’s gaze on his body. It wasn’t uncomfortable though. In fact, it sent prickling heat through him, making his neck warm.
He grabbed his toiletry kit, then fled for the bathroom without a word.
Not because Felix minded the way Jonah looked at him. But because he maybe liked it a little too much. And well, that was confusing.
Felix showered quickly, scrubbing the smell of the stale recycled air from the plane off his skin. There was nice water pressure though so he lingered after he was done, enjoying the feel of it beating down on his tense shoulders.
Felix slid a hand down his stomach, hesitating when he reached his cock. He often jerked off at night. It helped him sleep and he needed a good rest tonight.
But Jonah was right in the other room …
Of course, that had never stopped him before. They’d roomed together in college and although they’d never talked about it, he knew they’d both done it.
Now, over the sound of the water he heard the low murmur of Jonah’s voice. What harm would it do if Felix got off?