Frankly, Jonah was curious too. Matty had never really talked about who the guy was and he wondered if he would now.
Matty shrugged, his face turning a little pink. “Just some guy I knew back in juniors.”
Jordan glanced up. “Oh really? I always assumed it was Theriault. Didn’t he fuck just about everyone on the team before he was traded to Evanston?”
“Just La Bouche and Nico, as far as I know.” Dominic took a sip of his drink.
Nico nodded. “We hooked up a few times and he had that semi-ongoing thing with La Bouche. There might have been a few callups or something too though. Do you know, D?”
Dustin shook his head. “As long as it didn’t cause drama on the team, I figured it was none of my business.”
Matty made a face. “No. Dude, I did not hook up with Theriault. He’s too … French.”
Jonah snorted. “Too high-maintenance is what you mean.”
“High-strung anyway.” Matty shrugged. “Although I feel bad for saying that knowing what we do now about his dad. He was just in a rough place then.”
“Still great in bed,” Nico said with a sly smile. “Not as good as Auggie is but he knows how to show someone a good time.”
Jonah chuckled. He really was shocked by how easily Nico had settled into the relationship with August. Weird the way that switch flipped for some guys.
“So it was just some dude you knew?” Felix asked Matty and Jonah wondered again how that conversation had started.
“Yeah. Court and I talked about finding some stranger but that felt weird and I just … I know there’s a name for what I am—”
“Demisexual?” Dustin supplied.
“Yeah, that. But like … I don’t get turned on by strangers.”
“Male or female?” Felix asked, curious.
“Yeah. It’s like … nothing, man.” Matty gestured to his lap.
“Oh. That’s why you hardly ever hook up when we’re out,” Jonah said. He had never heard Matty talk about it so openly. He usually got shy.
Matty nodded. “Pretty much. I have occasionally but it makes me feel weird and then I …” He swallowed, face turning a little red. “I can’t get it up.”
Nico hummed. “I had some problems with that after my surgery. Meds and brain being all fucked up and stuff.”
“Oof.” Felix winced. “That doesn’t sound fun.”
“No, it’s definitely not. It bugged me for a while but Auggie and I got through it. We figured it out. Got creative.” He shot everyone at the table a sly grin. “And everything’s working juuuust fine now.”
“That’s good,” Matty said earnestly. “And I don’t have any problems with someone I really feel close to either. I just can’t do it without that.” He sighed.
“Is that why the threesome went sideways?” Nico asked, his tone a little teasing but not unkind. “You couldn’t get it up for the guy?”
Matty made a face. “Uh, no, I think the problem was that I could. Courtney got real fucking weird about it.”
“That’s because she wasn’t good enough for you,” Dominic said.
Jonah nodded his agreement.
“Shit.” Jordan took a sip of his beer. “That sucks. Tasha would love it if I swung that way.”
“Seriously.” Colton Yates shook his head. “Birdie would be allll about it if I was into one of you dudes.”
“Be grateful you aren’t,” Matty said. “Threesomes are not worth it. It totally fucked up my marriage and my friendship with the guy. Haven’t heard from him since.”