Jonah scoffed. “Trust me, it was a better time than he was ever going to show me.”
“Yeah, but I don’t suck your dick.”
Jonah shrugged. “Ehh, he didn’t either.”
“Huh. Really?”
“Well, not after he kept using his teeth. He did this weird nibbling thing like he was one of the koi out in the pond here. Pretty sure he thought it was going to be sexy, but nope. No way.”
“Seriously. I’ll take your worst mope over that any day.”
“Aww, thanks, man.” Felix slung an arm over Jonah’s shoulder and kissed his temple. “I feel so special.”
Jonah smelled nice, like he’d put on cologne or something after showering at the arena. Felix pulled back to look at him. “Hey, were you planning to pick up a guy tonight? You smell good.”
“That wasn’t what you said about my feet earlier.”
“I was just giving you shit.”
“Mmm, your favorite pastime for sure.”
“Definitely.” Felix poked his ribs with his free hand. “Seriously. You hoping to get laid tonight?”
Jonah shrugged his arm off. “Well, it’s not gonna happen if we hang around my grandmother’s garden shed all night.”
“Not unless something very weird happens between us.”
Jonah snorted. “Yeah, I won’t hold my breath there.”
“Good call.”
“Seriously. Are we meeting the guys or not?”
“I thought you wanted to pick up,” Felix protested.
“Haven’t decided but either way that won’t be a problem. We’re going to that new gay club tonight. Dustin reserved a section in the VIP area.”
The team was pretty mixed in terms of sexuality and none of the straight guys had any qualms about going to a gay club.
It wouldn’t be the first time, that was for sure.
“Oh.” Felix considered that. “Yeah, okay. I’ll go then.”
Jonah gave him an amused look. “You sure are eager to hop on that. If I didn’t know better …”
“It’s just simpler,” Felix admitted with a sigh. “I can turn guys down without it getting awkward. If I tell them I’m not into dick, they understand that. Telling some woman I can’t date because of my sobriety just feels weird and shitty …”
“Yeah, I get it,” Jonah said, his amusement fading.
Felix frowned down at his shirt. “Seriously, you think I’m dressed okay for a gay club though?”
“Bud, take off your shirt once we get there and no one will care.”
Felix smirked. “I have been stepping up my training lately.”
Jonah thwacked him in the stomach. “Okay, Mr. Six-Pack, are you coming or not?”