Page 5 of The Waiting Game

“Maybe they should! And you taking a bunch of stupid-ass penalties isn’t helping things!” Felix sat up too, making the hammock supports groan threateningly.

“What am I supposed to do, just let assholes call you a drunk?”

“Well, yeah.”

“Like you’ve ever done that when they call me racist shit.”

Felix grunted, annoyed because maybe Jonah had a point. He’d had more a few tussles with guys over the years who’d called Jonah all sorts of garbage that didn’t bear repeating.

Of course, half the time they got it fucking wrong. Jonah was Korean, not Chinese or Vietnamese.

“Yeah, but those fights aren’t the same thing. And it never cost us the damn season,” Felix argued, shoving at Jonah so he could get out of the hammock.

Clearly annoyed, Jonah shoved him back. “Why are you so fucking stubborn?”

“Oh, I’m being stubborn?” Felix argued and they grappled like they were still kids, the bolts of the hammock creaking ominously. “Okay, Rocky.”

Felix had just gotten a good hold on Jonah’s shoulders when their weight tilted too far to one side and the hammock flipped, sending them tumbling to the ground.

Felix landed on his back, surprised and winded because he hadn’t had time to prepare for the impact. Jonah sprawled half on top of him and he let out a high-pitched noise that set Felix off.

When Jonah rolled away, they lay there on the wooden planks, laughing.

Felix turned to look at him, which set them both off all over again, and it was a while before their laughter turned to hiccupping gasps.

After they finally got control of themselves, Felix’s stomach rumbled loudly.

Despite the meal he’d had after the game, he was hungry, and he shifted onto his side in search of food.

“Hey, you want some tteokbokki chips?” Felix asked, rummaging through some old wooden crates they’d filched from Jonah’s grandmother years ago and tipped on their sides to create a makeshift shelf.

“No. Why, you have some stashed up here?”

Felix shrugged. “I always have snacks stashed here.”

“I know that. You just tear through the tteokbokki chips so fast I’m surprised there’s enough to be called a stash. Bet you haven’t told the trainer about that.”

“Nope, and I’m not about to. Be glad it isn’t booze.”

Jonah settled a hand on Felix’s shin. “I am, man. I am.”

Felix sighed, turning away from the food to look at his best friend. “I know. I just don’t want you to fuck up your life because you’re trying to protect me.”

“This argument again?” Jonah scrambled to his feet, clearly irritated.

“Yeah, this argument. And we’re gonna keep having it until you chill the fuck out. You’re being an idiot.” Felix got up too, dusting off the back of his trousers, all thoughts of food forgotten.

“Love you too, bud.”

Felix stared at his friend. “I’m serious.”

“So was I!” They stared at each other silently until the buzz of Jonah’s phone broke the quiet. He pulled it out, studied his screen for a moment, then tucked it away again. “C’mon. We should head out. We told the guys we’d meet them at the club.”

Felix looked down at his disheveled shirt and trousers. His jacket looked fine, but only because he’d taken it off before he climbed into the hammock.

“I’m not sure I’m up for that tonight.” Felix slipped on his shoes, yanking at the laces a little harder than necessary as he tied them.

When Felix straightened, Jonah reached out, brushing some dust from his shirtsleeves. “Roll these up, no one will ever notice.”