Jonah cleared his throat. “I just, uh, figured you’d change in the other room.”
Felix tugged on sweats. “Oh, I was going to sleep in here with you. Is that not okay?”
“I didn’t realize that’s what you were thinking,” Jonah said. “I thought you’d stay in the other guest room but no, it’s um, fine.”
Felix didn’t stay over as often as Jonah, and he typically slept in the other guest room when he did.
But shit, Jonah was kind of a wreck right now. Felix had thought he’d appreciate not being alone. Or maybe that was just him projecting.
Felix hesitated, T-shirt in hand. “Seriously, I can go in the other room if you want but I thought, I don’t know … you could use some company or something. I didn’t really want you to be alone tonight. I figured we’d just do a sleepover like when we were kids.”
“Now who is mother hen-ning?” Jonah grumbled but the warm look in his eyes spoke volumes as he turned back the covers on the bed. “Well, if you’re going to sleep in my room, go get ready. You know where to find everything in the bathroom.”
Grinning, Felix slipped on his shirt. “Be right back.”
The toothbrushes were in the drawer where they always were and it didn’t take him long to brush his teeth and wash his face.
Jonah was awake, reading something on his phone when Felix stepped into the bedroom.
He glanced up. “I let Casey know I won’t be at practice. He said it was no problem.”
“Good.” Felix threw back the covers and slid in beside Jonah. “I’d like to go with you but I don’t want to ask him if I can skip it. Not with as much as I was gone already this season.”
“I get it. It’s fine.” Jonah looked up from his phone. “Hey, by the way, I found a spare charger and plugged your phone in on that side of the bed. It was almost dead.”
“Thanks, appreciate it.” Felix yawned, not even glancing over to check. “God, do I even want to know what time it is right now?”
“Nope.” Jonah laughed softly. “You’re gonna be tired tomorrow.”
“At least we don’t have a game yet.”
“Fuck me,” Jonah muttered. “I hadn’t even thought about the fact that the playoffs are starting soon. What the hell am I gonna do with Grandma?”
“Get her friends and neighbors to pitch in? I don’t know. We’ll figure it out,” Felix said, yawning again, this time so hard his eyes watered. He burrowed against the pillow to get comfortable.
Jonah turned out the light. “Hey, thanks for being here. It will be easier to fall asleep with you here.”
“Of course. I worried you might have nightmares tonight,” Felix said softly.
“Oh.” Jonah released a long, slow breath and under the covers, he reached out and took Felix’s hand, squeezing once. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I bet I will. Sorry if I wake you.”
In the dark, Felix rolled his eyes. Like he was really worried about losing a little sleep if Jonah woke up screaming. “I just didn’t want you to have to deal with that alone. Especially tonight.”
“Thanks.” Jonah squeezed once more, then let go and turned away from him, sighing softly. “G’night.”
“Night,” Felix whispered, sliding closer and curving his body around Jonah’s.
They didn’t often spoon like this but the bed was on the smaller side and Felix thought tonight they could both use a little extra comfort.
Jonah awoke to Felix’s arms around him. It was a loose embrace but still, the weight of his arm and the slow, steady rise and fall of his breath against Jonah’s back were so comforting.
He had woken once in the middle of the night that he remembered but Felix’s voice had been reassuring in the dark and he’d quickly settled back into a dreamless sleep.
It was getting light now and Jonah wondered what time it was.
Shit, had he remembered to check that the ringer was on? What if he’d missed a call from the hospital?
“Fuck.” He slipped out of Felix’s embrace and fumbled for his phone. “How late is it?”