Korean flavors were what Felix thought of when he felt the pull of home and comfort.
The broth with little pools of chili oil floating on top, the sharp bite of scallion, and the soft chew of the tofu were more familiar and homier than the North American childhood classic of chicken noodle soup.
The rest of the food was equally delicious, and Felix’s tongue still burned pleasantly as he paid the bill.
They returned to the hotel for pregame naps in their own rooms and as Felix slipped under the covers, then set his phone alarm, he realized he hadn’t thought of Whitney once today.
The quiet midday routines he and Jonah had established during game days were soothing, quieting the turmoil in his heart.
He was so glad to be back with his team.
Back with Jonah.
Back where he belonged.
“How’d you sleep?” Jonah asked as they slid into their usual seats on the bus to the arena later that day.
Felix looked good. Well-rested and handsome in his navy suit, subtle white and blue check shirt, and buttery gold tie.
Jonah tweaked the matching silk pocket square, just because it was an excuse to touch Felix.
He smiled faintly, like he was used to Jonah’s fussing, and Jonah forced himself to pull away.
Don’t make it weird, man, he reminded himself.
“Good.” Felix yawned. “You?”
“Great,” Jonah said, trying not to think too closely about the fact that he’d jerked off before his nap, imagining the smooth planes of Felix’s muscles under his hands and the way he would sound if Jonah sucked him.
Jonah didn’t allow himself to fantasize often and he always felt guilty after.
“Is this new?” Felix brushed his fingers across Jonah’s tie.
Jonah had dressed in a deep olive-green colored suit, so dark it nearly looked charcoal gray or black, with a white shirt. He’d had them both for a couple of seasons but the tie was definitely new.
It gave him an unreasonable amount of pleasure that Felix had noticed it and commented. “Yep. It arrived just before we flew out.”
The fabric had a white background sprinkled with red, pink, orange, and green flowers across it. A biologist friend of his had found it online and sent him the link, knowing he’d be intrigued by the botanical print of species native to Australia.
Jonah had been waiting for it to arrive for weeks.
Stupid customs office.
Felix smiled. “It’s perfect for you.”
Jonah smiled back, helpless against the soft look in Felix’s eyes.
“Henry found it for me.”
Felix raised an eyebrow. “Why is Dr. Henry buying you ties?”
“He didn’t buy it for me,” Jonah explained. “Just sent me the link.”
Dr. Henry Brown was an Australian biologist Jonah had followed online for years. After a particularly interesting lecture on invasive species, Jonah had commented on a post, which had led to DMs and they were solidly friends now.
Although he was a handsome man. There were worse people who could buy him ties.
“I’ve got matching socks too,” Jonah continued. He lifted the leg of his trousers and Felix peered down.