Despite the insinuations in the article, it was ludicrous to think that Felix had suddenly developed feelings for Jonah that went beyond their shared years of friendship.
Felix was obviously seeking comfort of some sort and he had said he was lonely.
Jonah would just have to endure it and hope he didn’t pop a boner at an inopportune time. He was a grown man. Thirty years old was way, way too mature to get stiffies at the slightest touch from the guy he was in love with.
If only Felix didn’t smell so damn good.
It would be much easier if he reeked of hockey funk or something right now but no, he smelled freshly showered.
Damn him.
Did he really have to crawl into Jonah’s bed smelling amazing and looking good?
And those flirty little comments! What had that been about?
He’d been driving Jonah bonkers all day.
The team had flown from Toronto to St. Louis this morning. They’d had practice after, done their usual workouts and recovery routines, then checked into the hotel.
As a team, they’d gone out to dinner and, afterwards, guys had split into smaller groups.
Felix had gone to an AA meeting and Jonah had come back to the hotel to relax and get a good night’s sleep. Most of the married or partnered guys had come back at the same time to video chat with their loved ones.
Jonah had briefly toyed with the idea of trying to hook up.
St. Louis wasn’t a bad town for it and he’d had a few enjoyable nights with guys here. It was easier than in Toronto, where he was more likely to be recognized, which added a layer of weirdness he didn’t like dealing with.
He’d even opened his favorite hookup app to see if anyone caught his eye but quickly closed it, uninspired by the profiles he’d seen.
And now he was in bed with his best friend.
Sadly, not in the way he wanted. He was truly a pathetic man.
He let out a grumbly sigh and Felix lifted his head. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just tired.”
“I can go …” Felix lifted onto one elbow.
Jonah wrapped an arm around his back, stopping him. “No, don’t. Just put something on to watch.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“I might pass out on you though,” Jonah warned.
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Felix teased, and Jonah managed a smile.
He was still surprised Felix was so nonchalant about their names being linked in the press. Even if JockGossip was as disreputable as it got, a lot of people read their shit.
A lot of fans read their shit.
Felix was already dealing with people being assholes about his stint in rehab. Was he really okay with setting himself up for being harassed for being queer too, especially when it wasn’t true?
“You sure you’re okay with—”
Felix clapped a hand across his mouth. “Stop it.”
“What?” Jonah asked, voice still muffled.