Page 181 of The Waiting Game

The look in his eyes was so intense that Felix clenched around him again and then they were fucking hard, Jonah’s hips snapping as he drove into Felix. It hit Felix just right, sent waves of pleasure through him.

“You wanna try to come untouched?” Jonah asked, hair tumbling over his forehead as he thrust into him. “Can’t stop thinking about that. Imagining you coming on my cock that way.”

Felix shuddered, Jonah’s words heating him from the inside out. “I don’t think it’ll take much,” he said with a low groan. He closed his eyes, need coiling tightly in his groin, and he concentrated on the sensation of Jonah’s cock rubbing just right across that sensitive spot inside him.

“Just … just keep going, just like that.”

“Fuck, Felix …

“I love you, Jo!” he said with a gasp, toes curling, body trembling as his cock spurted wetly against his stomach.

Jonah fucked him through it, while trembled with little aftershocks and a few moments later Jonah shuddered, eyes closing.

“Felix!” His name was a broken moan on Jonah’s lips and Felix dazedly rubbed his hand up and down Jonah’s sweaty back.

When Jonah eased away, it was only far enough for him to slip out. Felix winced when Jonah slid free and Jonah soothed him with a little kiss before he collapsed on his side.

Felix shifted on his side too, grateful to stretch out his leg. That was going to be fun to explain to the trainer tomorrow when he wrapped up all of the end of season medical stuff.

Felix reached for Jonah only to find Jonah reaching for him. He smiled, brushing his lips against Jonah’s forehead, then his mouth. They kissed lazily for a few minutes, just trading soft little touches and pecks while sweat cooled and their heart rates returned to normal.

“We’re pretty good at that,” Felix said with a groan as he stretched.

“I’d say I’m surprised but not really,” Jonah retorted.

Felix’s grin was interrupted by a yawn. “And now we sleep?”

“I like that plan,” Jonah said. “Although I should at least clean up a little. Pretty sure I have spunk in places I don’t want spunk.”

Felix chuckled.

“And you better get up or things are going to get really messy.”

His chuckle turned into a laugh. But he stopped laughing once he was standing upright. “Oh. Oh. Yeah, okay, I see what you mean.”

He hightailed it for the bathroom with Jonah’s bright laughter following in his wake.

When Felix awoke later, he was alone. He stretched, smiling, knowing Jonah wouldn’t be far. A glance at the time showed that it was late afternoon. He was a little tired still but it was probably best if he got up and went to bed at a semi-normal time.

He pulled on a pair of Jonah’s shorts, too lazy to bother with a T-shirt. He caught a glimpse of Grandpa Cho’s ring on his finger once again and that smile widened.

They’d agreed that they both preferred the idea of Felix wearing it permanently. Jonah had gotten a soft little look on his face when Felix once again suggested he buy a ring for Jonah to wear. And this time, he agreed to it.

Maybe Felix would get something custom made. Get it engraved with the date they first met or something. The date that had changed both their lives forever.

Felix jogged down the stairs but paused in the doorway of the kitchen and peered in, just to get a glimpse of Jonah when he wasn’t aware he was being watched.

Jonah was cooking, shirtless, in low-slung sweats and Felix had the overwhelming urge to walk over and get his hands all over all of Jonah’s chest and back. Those shoulders … those arms. A giddy feeling washed over Felix when he realized he could walk over and touch Jonah like that as much as he wanted.

This was his future. Waking up feeling well-fucked, watching Jonah putter around Grandma Ji-min’s kitchen, laughing at—what was he laughing at?

Felix had vaguely been aware of a low voice in the background and absently noted the laptop on the island. Now, he listened more closely.

“You’re in a disgustingly good mood today, mate. I’d ask if things were going well with the fake engagement but I’m guessing that bedhead and hickey you’re sporting are my answers.” The amused Australian drawl made Felix straighten.

Is that Dr. Henry?

To Felix’s surprise, Jonah looked bashful. “Uhh, yeah, things are definitely going well.”