Page 146 of The Waiting Game

“You’re only old when it’s convenient for you,” he teased.

She gave him an enigmatic smile.

“Seriously though,” Felix said, reaching out to take her hand. “We’re exactly where we want to be. We love you.”

She squeezed his fingers. “I love you both too. I just don’t want you to worry so much about me.”

“Well, that’s never going to happen. Besides,” he countered, “are you ever going to stop worrying about us?”

“No. But that’s my job.”

“Well, this is ours too,” he said. “Now, tell me honestly. How do you feel?”

“A little tired.” She made a face like she disliked admitting it. “And I get dizzy sometimes.”

“What did they say at your appointment with the cardiologist yesterday?” Jonah asked, stepping through the doors, and carrying a tray of food over to the patio table.

Grandma Ji-min huffed, clearly annoyed, then rose to her feet. “The medication isn’t fixing my heart.”

Felix watched carefully as she walked over, following behind in case she fell. But she seemed steady enough at the moment.

“Okay.” Jonah took a seat at the table, frowning. “So what now?”

“Oh, go get the paperwork from my office. It’s all there for you to look over.”

“I can get it,” Felix offered and Jonah nodded, his gaze appreciative.

When Felix returned, he spread the paperwork out and he and Jonah pored over it.

“Okay,” Felix said slowly. “This sounds pretty straightforward. They should be able to correct the rhythm issue with a procedure called a cardioversion. It’s a small electric shock.”

Jonah shuddered. “Well that sounds horrible and scary.”

“No, see here.” Felix pointed at the info sheet. “They say it’s a very safe procedure. It’s an extremely low-energy shock and Grandma Ji-min will be sedated during the procedure so she’ll sleep right through it.”

Jonah frowned like he was trying to digest all of that. “Is that what the cardiologist told you?”

“Yes,” she said. “And they’re going to do some tests next week to be sure I don’t have blood clots.”

Jonah looked a little sick at the idea of that. “When will that test be?”

“In a couple of days, I think. I’ll have to check the appointment card they gave me for the exact date.”

“So once they make sure you don’t have any blood clots, then what?”

“I’ll have the cardioversion,” she said.

“God, I hope I can be there for it,” Jonah said fervently.

She scoffed. “You have much more important things to do.”

Jonah grimaced. “Grandma …”

Felix knew Jonah probably felt the way he did. It was hard to argue that what they did was unimportant. Winning the Cup was huge for both of them. But compared to Grandma Ji-min’s health?

“It won’t make any difference if you’re there or not,” she protested. “Not in how the procedure goes, anyway. And I have lots of people to look out for me. Nancy’s already promised to drive me there and take me home when they release me.”

“Well, I’ll be there if I can,” Jonah said.