Page 136 of The Waiting Game

Jonah brushed his fingertips across the jade and gold tie clip and when he glanced up to meet Felix’s gaze, he was surprised to see how intent it was.

“This okay?” Felix whispered.

And Jonah nodded, words not coming easily when he felt stuffed to the brim with feelings. He patted Felix’s chest instead and Felix clasped his hand, bringing it up to his mouth to press the back of it to his lips.

Jonah blinked at the look in Felix’s eyes.

He knew Felix’s face so well but he no longer trusted what he was seeing. Was he imagining that everything he felt was reflected in Felix’s gaze?

Was it wishful thinking?

What were they doing anymore? Was this a fake engagement? Were they dating? How would this end? Would it end?

Was everything Jonah had ever wanted within reach?

Or was Felix simply mirroring Jonah’s feelings, flushed with the bright energy of something new and exciting?

They were well-matched, in bed and out of it. That much was apparent. But was that enough? Would it sustain them when the season was over and his grandmother was well? When they no longer needed to keep pretending that they were engaged.

Could Jonah hope for more? Or was he simply seeing what he wanted?

What he’d longed for since he was a stupid teenage boy with a crush on his friend.

Jonah’s phone buzzed with his reminder to leave notification but when he tried to step back, Felix held on tight.

“Kiss me before we go,” he whispered.

Jonah nodded, going into his arms as easy as breathing. Like he belonged there. Like he’d never leave.

If it were up to him, he wouldn’t.

Jonah soaked in the minty taste of Felix’s mouth, fresh from toothpaste and mouthwash, felt the ticklish brush of Felix’s stubble that was turning into a beard now that he was no longer shaving.

Jonah poured all of his love into the kiss and when he finally pulled back, Felix’s eyes shone and his cheeks were filled with color, soft pink against the creamy tones of his skin.

He gave Jonah a little smile and turned away to smooth down his suit jacket and tweak his tie clip and for the millionth time in his life, Jonah fell in love with Felix all over again.

There was so much Jonah wanted to say. So much he couldn’t say.

So he gathered his belongings and followed Felix out the door of their room, where they were swept up in the energy of their teammates.

The intensity of Jonah’s mood lightened as he rode the bus to the arena. The vibe was hopeful, conversations quiet but relaxed. Jonah let his mind drift to hockey, settling into the rhythm of a game day.

The routines were comforting, giving him the opportunity to focus on anything but his relationship with Felix. Right now, he didn’t want to think about how Felix tasted or how his skin felt against Jonah’s. He didn’t want to remember the bright pink of Felix’s lips after he’d—well, Jonah wasn’t thinking about it.

He wasn’t. He couldn’t.

For the next few hours, Felix had to be Jonah’s teammate and nothing more.

So Jonah ate his pregame snack of apples and peanut butter and stretched and played two-touch and did everything he could to get his head in the game.

He felt calm and centered by the time he stepped into the dressing area. Everything was exactly where it should be.

No, not quite.

Jonah tilted his head in confusion. There was a little gift bag in his stall.

He glanced around and caught a glimpse of Felix winking at him. Well, okay, that answered that question.