Page 122 of The Waiting Game

“You’re welcome. Any time.”

“That wasn’t weird for you then?” Jonah craned his neck to look at him.

“No,” Felix whispered, trailing his fingertips across Jonah’s shoulders. “That was hot.”


Jonah closed his eyes. He was going to combust. He was definitely going to spontaneously combust. If he hadn’t just come a few minutes ago, he’d probably be getting hard again.

What was happening? How was this his life? He’d spent a decade and a half wanting this and thinking it would never happen and Felix was just … offering him everything he’d ever desired.

Well, maybe not everything. But so much. Far more than he’d ever expected to get.

The memory of Felix’s hand on his dick made Jonah’s head swim. But he suddenly realized that Felix had been so focused on getting him off, he hadn’t had time to get off himself.

“What about you?” Jonah asked roughly as he shifted on the bed to face Felix. “Are you hard?”

“Uh,” Felix looked down at his lap. “Yeah.”

There was a wet spot on the fabric that made Jonah’s mouth water. He licked his lips. “I could maybe help out with that, if you wanted?”

“Yeah?” Felix’s voice had gone rough. “What are you thinking?”

“Well, I love sucking cock,” he said.

And I have been thinking about blowing you since I was about fifteen, he thought, though he wasn’t about to say that shit aloud.

“Oh fuck.” Felix released a ragged breath. “Really?”

Rather than answer with words, Jonah reached for Felix’s waistband. He moved slowly, like he was approaching a skittish animal, but Felix didn’t shy away or try to stop him.

“You really want this?” Jonah asked, just to be sure.

Despite all evidence to the contrary, it was hard for him to believe that Felix was as into this as Jonah was. Jonah kept feeling like Felix was doing him a favor and he couldn’t figure out why. But Felix was clearly into this if the tent in his track pants was any indication.

Felix nodded, his mouth half-open.

Feeling like he was in a dream, Jonah shifted to kneel on the floor, tugging at Felix until he sat on the edge of the bed, his thighs bracketing Jonah’s shoulders.

Felix shifted to give him more room and Jonah slowly ran his hands across Felix’s thighs, feeling the tense muscles soften.

“God … why am I nervous now?” Felix asked, running his hand through Jonah’s hair. “It’s not like this is the first blow job I’ve ever gotten.”

Jonah fought to keep from arching up into the touch and then realized he didn’t have to.

“I don’t know,” Jonah said quietly. “But I’m a little nervous too.”

“I think maybe we’re both really dumb, Jo,” Felix said with a sigh.

Jonah smiled up at him. “I think maybe we are.”

They both laughed and after that, everything felt easier. More normal. If blowing your best friend for the first time could ever be called normal.

Jonah tugged at Felix’s track pants until they were off and he was naked.

His thighs were … well, they were hockey player’s thighs, so they were toned and muscular. Felix ran leaner than Jonah so they weren’t bulging with muscles or anything but they felt good under Jonah’s palms, firm and strong, sprinkled with soft reddish-blond hair.

And God, how many times had Jonah pictured this? How many times had he thought about Felix’s dick?